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Created on
Nov 20, 2023



Release Notes: Search V1, Pinning, Live Prompts, and Comments Filters

Fresh out of the oven, we have four new features for everyone <3 Search V1 We've heard all the feedback about not being able to search for something on t2,

  • 3 min read


Notifications on t2

Now, you can easily use notifications to keep track of new activity on t2. As always, t2’s mission is to better facilitate meaningful interactions between writers and readers via long-form

  • 1 min read


Improvements to t.p. Accumulation, Recognition, and Visualization

Time Points , or t.p., continues to be one of the key ways to distinguish high-signal and reputable contributors on t2. Time Points are a representation of your time

  • 3 min read


Launch a New Niche with Territories

In the last 5 months since releasing t2’s social writing experience , Territory V1, we’ve seen plenty of interest and proposals from our community for new Territories . Whether it

  • 3 min read


t2's first UX improvement sprint

Recently, we dove deep into the backlog of bugs and updates to focus on improving the overall user experience on t2. Based on your feedback, here's a quick log of

  • 2 min read

Mobile Composability: t2 x Orb Integration

Following up on t2’s integration with Lens , we continue to push the frontier of composability by officially partnering with our friends over at Orb , our favorite mobile application

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