Fresh out of the oven, we have four new features for everyone <3

Search V1

We've heard all the feedback about not being able to search for something on t2, and we've heard you loud and clear. t2 has come a long way since the days when there were too few pieces of content even to search through, so it feels extra special to bring this feature to you finally!

We hope that this eases some of the navigation difficulty around t2 at the moment while we continue to work on the overall user experience of our platform.

User requests for a search function

To access the search function, simply click the search bar in the navigation, or use our new (and first) keyboard shortcut cmd+k at any time on the t2 app (or ctrl+k on Windows devices).

Search on t2

The search results page will show you all matches for the different types of content on t2, including Posts, Prompts, People, and Territories.

Search results page

We've also included a search history function to help you quickly return to previous search terms. This can be cleared at any time by removing them one by one, or clicking "clear all".

The future of Search on t2

With Search V1, we wanted to bring a more modern UX pattern to t2. Inspired by many of our favourite contemporary products (e.g., Notion, Jira, Arc) we wanted to make sure we introduced a modal style search that can be quickly and easily triggered by a shortcut.

Moving forward, we'll continue to improve search on t2 as more content and users begin to circulate on the network, including easy ways to access help menus, onboarding materials, and help you find what you are looking for.


Pinned Posts & Prompts

We've also introduced a new functionality for Territory Admins to pin posts or prompts to the top of each respective section on the Territory page. This is also a piece of feedback that we've heard frequently from our users, and we're happy to finally bring it to you :)

Pinned prompts in t/web3

Territory Admins can pin up to 3 items maximum in either the prompts or the posts section of the Territory page.

To pin or unpin an item, simply click the three-dot icon and select the relevant action.


Live Prompts

We've introduced a new time-bound prompt type called live prompts. We've heard from our community that it's always hard to sit down and dedicate the time to writing and publishing a post, and deadlines helped motivate them to participate and get things done.

To put things simply, live prompts have a start and end date, making them useful in a variety of scenarios:

  • Communicating a structured deadline for a competition (e.g., FWW)
  • Create live writing events that create a sense synchronicity between participants
  • Gathering and sourcing ideas for a specific purpose that is on a timeline
  • Time-boxed discussions that become immutable after deadline passes

Live prompts also support amplification with Lens for users who have a connected Lens account.

How to use live prompts

To create a live prompt, click the "New prompt" button on the Territory Homepage, and select "Live prompt".

Select the prompt type, standard or live

After creating a live prompt, a new information card is shown with details regarding the live prompt, indicating the live prompt's status (upcoming, live, completed), a countdown to the start or end, a progress bar, and information on if you can still reply to the prompt. All times and dates are shown in your local time zone (based on your device's time).

Live prompt page

Prompts that have live status will be shown clearly with a "LIVE" indicator on the Territory Home Page, alongside a green border making it stand out.

Prompts that have live status will be shown clearly with a "LIVE" indicator on the Territory Home Page, alongside a green border making it stand out.

In addition to the title and description, we've included the selection of start dates and end dates for prompts.

Input a title, description, and date/time for the live prompt


Comments Quality Filters

The ongoing battle against spammers and bots rages on. We've introduced a collapsed area to the bottom of the comments section that filters out any Lens comments that have been marked as low value.

While this doesn't completely solve the issue of spam comments, it should alleviate some of the symptoms while we continue to develop proper solutions to address low value comments and engagement on t2.

Collapsed low value comments


Questions & Feedback

As always, let us know what you think! Hope you guys enjoy this one :))