Final Call: Best Friends Prize Nomination

You have till midnight April 1st to submit your nomination. Let's celebrate friendship built during FWW S2! How to Nominate: - Respond to this prompt with a post about your nominee, one post per nominee only. - Include the nominee's t2 page link. 📚 - Share 1 or 2 FWW S2 related reasons for nominating them. 💬 The t2 team will select 2 incredible nominees at the contest's end, and announce during the award ceremony, each winner will receive $300! Let's spotlight the spirits who've made this journey memorable. ✨

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Created on
Mar 29, 2024



Mar 29, 9:11 pm - Apr 2, 11:00 am

No longer accepting new replies



My Best Friend Pamela

I nominate my best friend Pamela . Pame and I have known each other since the first day of college classes, I remember that we started talking in the last

  • 2 min read


Best Friends Prize Nomination: Donut_Web3

I would like to nominate my dear friend, teammate, fellow German enthusiast Donut for the Friends Prize. Me and Donut have known each other for eight years now, which shocked

  • 5 min read


My Best Fern Fernanda Nomination

Some time ago, I spoke about my friend Fernanda on the occasion of her birthday, and now the opportunity arises to nominate her for being an excellent teammate and, of

  • 2 min read


The Cannibal Mermaid: who calls themselves that!

I literally just googled "Cannibal Mermaid" and fished that picture out. It's a bit discomforting but also strangely intimate eh? But I think that's so fitting for my friendship with

  • 6 min read


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