Parmi Eux

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Nov 10, 2023


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Part 3

11h52. Thomas était si impatient que les 8 minutes le séparant de son panier repas lui paraissaient infranchissable et son entrain était d’autant plus grand qu’il savait qu’aujourd’hui, les chances

  • 5 min read

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Part four

Le reproche qu’il sentait dans sa voix le prit à l’orgueil, et il compris qu’il était de reprendre le contrôle de la situation. Ma fille, dit-il en prenant soin d’insister

  • 6 min read

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Part Two

It was exactly 6:00 pm when he walked through the door of his apartment, his work shirt still on, a smile on his face. As he expected, his wife was

  • 5 min read

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Part One

It was exactly noon when Thomas Lelland, a graying fifty-year-old man with a receding hairline, savored the very first bite of his salami mayonnaise sandwich prepared that morning around 7:35

  • 4 min read


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