What's your favourite album cover?

I appreciate the artistic possibilities that vinyl records offer with their larger format. The expansive space allows for intricate and captivating album cover designs. I'm curious to know, what are some of your favourite album covers?

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Created on
Jan 15, 2024




My favourite album cover is " 99.9% " by Kaytranada. Not only is this personally one of my favorite albums of all time, Kaytranada's "99.9%" (2016) was one of the

  • 1 min read


Dagadana "Meridian 68"

Without doubt, this is one of the most beautiful covers I have seen Dagadana "Meridian 68" vinyl album: Front back: The cover is scanned artwork by Olya Kravchenko, a Ukrainian

  • 0 min read


Awaken, My Love!

In response to the prompt, my favourite album cover is the one created for "Awaken, My Love!" by Childish Gambino. It captivates with a mesmerizing visual composition. Designed by New

  • 0 min read


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