At least 300M $pointless in 20 days to those who are early, active & on-chain with Lens.
Pointless...till it isn't.
- 50m $pointless to liquidity providers ($10 or more)
- 50m $pointless to collectors of daily art nft’s on lens
- 50m $pointless to followers of papajams, sidetalker, Sydney & dydymoon
- 50m $pointless to good vibes art, writing, dev etc posts
- 50m $pointless to art/music/writing collectors of papajams'
- 50m $pointless for product/app reviews in the lens ecosystem
First off a massive apology that the community call never happened last Wednesday as scheduled + suggested. Life! Regardless, we press on asynchronously. Those keen to:
1. Dive into manifesting the pointless builders club
2. Helping out writing these experiment posts/articles
Give me a shout on the discord and will add you to the team telegram chat!
Happy BTC halving! Some gems spotted in the lensverse recently:
Mushroom Protocol
@mushroomprotocol is offering up a limited-edition POAP as well as recently launching a telegram group chat to convene around cutting-edge science and technology as they beta test their web3 platform.
Founded in Chile by Andres, Tomás Ortega, and Esteban Arenillas (not on lens yet) - Mushroom Protocol connects scientists and biotech startups with investors around the world thanks to the blockchain via #ICP & #Lens. You can view their deck here and their github too.
The POAP can be secured by going through their DeSci survey on biotech investing. Their token is $FUNGI, and as their CMO Andres is active on t2world telling their story:
Can't believe this one hasn't been on my radar till now, they launch on 3rd May! You can test out the beta on testflight (IOS) at Beta testers who complete May 1st get a snazzy looking POAP as well. I tried downloading it, but its possible that you need to get in touch with them to get access (I couldn't get in).
Cofounder @bvdaniel has been assiduous in building alongside Cristian Valdivia for the last 18 months or so on polygon with a vision towards upending the web2 social model of platforms extracting value from users. Whats cool is this is ALSO a team from chile! Latin America representingggg.
"The web3 default is that every user makes money"
Really appreciate the artistry combining storytelling with poetry with videography that @mynameisheno has made a habit of sharing. Just be mindful the collection windows are small/short! His videos are simultaneously as philosophical as they are poignant, sometimes pure audio over a well taken picture.
Crypto The Game
All eyes are on the build up to @cryptothegame season 3 after CTG Season 2 posted incredible numbers after ten days of participation across the globe.
With 80ETH ($250k) on the line, passions ran high with BANKLESS sharing some great coverage. By the look of things, CTG Season 3 will be even bigger and better. The game has been compared to hunger games, squid games and survivor and with its last man standing/winner take all concept. But what makes the game really cool, are its creative immunity challenges inspired by everything from scavenger hunts to the classic first generation games like snake and Tetris.
Would love to get a pointless team together for the next season!
Liquidity Rewards
Just as we have been doing, Bonsai too has recently announced their dashboard is now live rewarding liquidity providoors who do such an important job ensuring the stability of the token. Sending 1M $pointless each to @dydymoon & @d3rwisj.lens for their continued efforts in this regard. Add LP to a $pointless pool & please tag me with your wallet + lens account in the discord to be eligible.
Atm there are pointless LPs paired with CHAOS, ELECTRIC, SILLY as these are the only ones we're aware of being tradable atm but more will follow such as FRIES, MONK etc. Then there are also more classic pools like BONSAI, WMATIC, USDC.E, WETH & LUCHA
Inspired & Inspiring
An opportunity once more to share some love to those who continue to make the lensverse such a special place. Sending 1M $pointless to all the below adventurers, explorers, experimentooors, and lensers picked semi randomly (preference for active profiles replete with personality).
DyDymoon followers
- Let start with @babasleeky a self defined humanitarian and a staunch Phaver advocate, with an active presence on twitter as well. Appreciate you keeping us up to date on the alpha - would love to hear & see more anecdotes/experiences from an African perspective on your profile!
- @rickydata is a data scientist working on The Graph who is highly passionate about data accessibility, composability, and blockchain data education. Working on combining the metaverse, VR, and blockchain into permissionless decentralized educational public goods. A fantastic follow.
Sydney_bro followers
-@relaychain is an active user who has the kind of profile I love to scroll. Lots of real life moments from cooking to street photography and everything in between. A great balance of tasteful mirrors, insights/reflections, and memes of course.
-@nimanourani is a relatively recently active to lens but deeply immersed in the nouns ecosystem including active participation in the, the $NOGS nounish currency. Moreover he is dutch and actively building, a marketplace for POAPs. Alongside attending events like EthDam, Nima is multilingual and super consistent on twitter as well.
Papa Followers
- @Infinati for being hyperactive plus sharing bangers in terms of visually stunning posts, music, art, and vibes. More please!
- @zospours for sharing some of the most cutest dog pics of @jasperthecav (easiest super follow you'll come across) plus dope painting skills!!
A warm lens welcome to @edballoon who is a prolific artist with successful NFT collections under his belt as well as deep immersion in the space including art, music, and the Run ED Collection and Beauty Supply Is Out Of Du-Rags - an homage to black/afro hair culture now minting at
Congratulations & Roadmap
Two moments to celebrate amongst many others. 1m $pointless to the following stars who've been making a difference showing lens' abilities to the world.
Established music artist Violetta Zironi, whose OG NFT collection is just over two years old, has recently joined lens and sold her first Lens 1/1 for 200k Bonsai valued at approximately $8k at the time of sale.
And @frankiestyles has been both hyperactive and consistent with minting, really appreciate the transparency with revenue as well as the efforts onboarding new artists. Frankie is planning to run a spaces every wednesday to help answer creator questions as well as daily uploads of the 111 RED EYE nft collection inspired by taking red eyes (public transport) to class each week from LA - and now from Texas - combining news papers , photos of people and random images of books and AI to create striking collage pieces.
@Defispartan has been leading the Lens Improvement Protocol (LIP) charge to standardise frames under a unified specification such that there is a consistent experience across the wondrous variety of Lens apps we are blessed with. This alongside work with open actions, modules, and querying lens data.
Pointless Builders Club
The challenge this week is to try and bring one of the following ideas to fruition. There is 4m $pointless unspent from this week. And we will commit the same to next week. Meaning a minimum of 8m $pointless split between any/all that attempt to build the following and ship a working prototye.
1. A simple interface to query and visualize Lens Protocol data outside of Dune, Lens Public BigQuery & Airstack.
2. An interface to view lens NFTs and/or trade them.
Thanks for being on this pointless experiment journey!
- Farcaster @papa —
- Lens @papajams —
- Twitter @papajimjams —
- Papa - Pointless Experiment Day One
- Papa - Pointless Experiment Day Six
- Sydney - Pointless Origin Story