The Journey of Friends Who Write Season 2 Has Been Incredible!

As we conclude another successful season, it’s time to put the spotlight on the remarkable writers and teams who've made this journey what it is. Let’s give a huge round of applause to our winners across various categories, and a heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated. Your efforts have truly made this community shine.

At the same time, we'd like to thank Lens Protocol for their support with the creator grant! Thanks to them, we could bring these prizes to you and enhance our FWW S2 experience for all writing frens!

👫 Best Friends Prize

A special shoutout to Donut, Maria and Pamela, whose stories of support and friendship reminded us all why we're here. Your ability to uplift others is what makes this community special.

🔍 Unique Lens Prize

Congratulations to the four storytellers whose unique narratives captivated us all. Your creativity has enriched our season.

Read their post if you haven't yet:
Crossing the Void
The Cost of Things
If a man eyeballs a hottie while cuffed to his girlfriend in the forest, does it make a sound?
New Neighbor

✍️ New Writer Prize

To the four new voices who joined us this season, thank you for sharing your perspectives. You’ve added fresh energy to our community and we look forward to seeing more of you!

Check out their writing:
Mehdi B

🌍 Territory Race

Let's give a round of applause to the top three territories that have earned the most t.p. during FWW S2: t/FriendsWhoWrite, t/TwiggTales, and t/Stories.

The collaborative effort of everyone who contributed through reading and writing has paid off, demonstrating the power of community support for writers.

Now, it's time to reward those who supported each other.

🏆 Impact Prize

Congratulations to team Web3 Rebels, Web3 Writers Union, and Penpals! Your work has not only been inspiring but also a testament to the impact of great storytelling.

🥁 Consistency Prize Draw

Congratulations to team Las Moiras, who won the Consistency Prize draw live at the FWW Award Ceremony Wheel of Fortune! Your dedication and support for each other is commendable!

In the coming weeks, we will reach out to all of you for prize distribution. Keep an eye on your mailbox!

To every single writer who took part in Friends Who Write Season 2, your consistent writing, exploration of niches, and unwavering support for one another have been the pillars of this season. You've shown what it means to be part of a community that values creativity, niche exploration, and, above all, friendship.

A snap shot from the FWW Award Ceremony on 10 April

As we bid farewell to this season, remember that this is not the end but a stepping stone to further adventures. Keep the connections you've made, the stories you've shared, and the community spirit alive. Here's to more writing, more exploring, and more meaningful friendships. (And to Season 3 this November! 👀)

Head of Growth,