At least 300M $pointless in 20 days to those who are early, active & on-chain with Lens.

Pointless...till it isn't.


  • 50m $pointless to liquidity providers ($10 or more)
  • 50m $pointless to collectors of daily art nft’s on lens
  • 50m $pointless to followers of papajams, sidetalker, Sydney & dydymoon
  • 50m $pointless to good vibes art, writing, dev etc posts
  • 50m $pointless to art/music/writing collectors of papajams'
  • 50m $pointless for product/app reviews in the lens ecosystem

Liquidity Provision

Congrats on hitting $100k liquidity everyone, when we started we were at $14k lol. This is only the beginning.

Going to be allocating more airdrops as a percentage of the total left (circa 17.5 $pointless a day) to LP providors. Share your wallet / the transaction etc in the comments so I don't miss you please for an extra serving of pointlessness to be dished in your direction. I will keep pairing all $pointless from collects with tokens in these pools and other new ones that crop up.

Liquidity Across The Lensverse

Really impressed with ELECTRIC and CHAOS as creator tokens rising up the ranks. An easy way to earn both is to follow their lens profiles.

P00ls are doing an amazing job partnering with creators to help them reward their early supporters. For instance $ELECTRIC can now be traded on uniswap using two new pools they set up: $ELECTRIC/WETH and $ELECTRIC/BONSAI. Sending 2M $pointless each to the following creators who are active, early and onchain experimenting with this format.

  • @frederic does a weekly drop to people that interact with his posts and follow him. He's and investor & chairman at @arianee [an homage to Greek mythology where Adriadne's thread led Theseus out of the Labyrinth enabling him to escape the Minotaur] who are "powering the next generation of consumer engagement through enriched digital product passports". I didn't really understand that so checked their website and it seems they help brands tokenise their RWA (real world assets). Only issue is their token seems a bit suspicious (on Polygon and ETH) so tread carefully till we hear back.
Aria Dexscreener
  • @iamlosi is a musician and OG lens native with the $LOSI token which already has lots of initial utility e.g. you can buy her sticker pack (costs 4000 $LOSI, i only have 30 😭, need to stack the piggy bank). Here are the different ways you can earn $LOSI e.g. following her audius where he lead song nadie is in spanish if you needed to some language practice too!
Losi Audius
  • @hugorenaudin co-founder of p00ls whose leaderboard of token holders is already quite stacked BUT is airdropping tokens regularly to those who interact with either p00ls or his profile on Lens.
$HUGO - reminds me of the first name ENS craze, great ticker
Super organised DAO structure

Case Study: Bowie Bonds

There was once an incredible musician called David Bowie from London who captured the hearts and minds of a generation. You may remember/recognise hits like "Under Pressure" with Queen, or "Lets Dance" . After releasing something like 300 songs he was generating royalties steadily but wanted a lump sum to invest in studio equipment etc so decided to offer Bowie Bonds where people could give him money upfront and earn interest from his royalties for circa 10 years. He raised $55m in cash, and investors earned that back + more with interest that was higher than you could get at the bank over the course of the bond.


It was one of the first instances of a public figure tokenising their reputation, brand, personality, and image that has gone on to spur many others. Sowing the seeds of this new epoch we are experiencing.

Many economists/statisticians look to tangible assets and liabilities to determine value. Yet they often underestimate intangibles like core values, behaviour, attention, personality and intention which often do more to explain the fair price of something as much as the numbers do. One current example is Donald Trumps DJT (ticker for his social media app "Truth Social") which was recently valued at $11bn despite making a loss on $4m in revenue. Or the impact that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have on their brands.

The intangible bonds we as consumers are able to form with individuals tend to be stronger than bonds with brands. It's one of the things smart analysts often get miss. Scott Galloway in 2018 said (rightly based on that metrics) that Tesla was wildly overvalued. After that interview its value proceeded to absolutely facemelt catapult beyond the moon based on out collective belief in Elon, the mission, the competency of the team, etc etc.

Will be fascinating to see how this one plays out as the ability to tokenise creator and builder brands is democratised by tools like p00ls. Suffice to say we're early, great time to be doing experiments like this one!


Back to rewarding those who provided LP, 2m $pointless rewards each!

  • Got to give a massive shoutout to the boss Dydymoon who has been huge not only in providing liquidity but championing the principles and infrastructure underpinning this whole pointless exercise. Well deserved champ! Case in point this post in the discord concluding the meme contest.
Super Pointless Discord - Avoid At All Costs If Seeing The Point Matters To You

Took these from the $pointless/MATIC pool, will do the pointless/BONSAI pool in the next issue, one of them added $1 in liquidity lol - congrats!!

  • 0xeB0e6eCD0E78B0a84eCD9663a041F453C454a99D
  • 0x49bBEFa1d94702C0e9a5EAdDEc7c3C5D3eb9086B
  • 0x2423e325Bf785096516D88355A5E3854f9d59D1A
  • 0xcc916d4B84E2b796036B69CA93940067ba828460

If you provide LP please put the transaction in the discord with your lens username and tag me. I will be prioritising those ones that do. One of many things I am not amazing at is finding wallets that do it. Thank you!!

Collectors, Dreamers

Our resident accountant has informed me that I am wildly overbudget. If not for the 50m $pointless sidetalker sent to contribute to this pointless experiment endeavour it would be curtains!! For this reason alone papajams.lens followers, collectors, and dreamers are getting 500k $pointless each for their vibes.

One person who is sorely due: OG pointless queen @jessyjeanne aka Princess Je$$yFries who is out in NFT NYC spreading the gospel as well as delivering serious energy when it comes to building out the $FRIES empire. Whether its the website, the GPT, the stupendous memes, GIFs, and sizzler energy its an honour to be part of her community - really recommend it - super imaginative & engaged.

Another person who I follow and admire is @punkess whose feed is a mix of lovely initiatives like this one spotlighting underfollowed lens accounts; and the article below. A staunch lens advocate, deep on starknet & a member of developer DAO, as well as championing @minttrees where every collect turns into a tree planted!

Go follow @natrix


In the last article we offered up 1M $pointless rewards to anyone that followed all the devs therein. I believe @hordanuyor and @mycaeleum were the two sendooors that heeded the call. Congratulations on your pointless victory. Let me know if you think I missed you as there are still two places available.

Early, active and on-chain lensers doing their thing!

If you do ONE thing go boost this tweet thread of our experiment. You would be surprised how truly pointless going viral (likes, retweets, comments) can be.

In the words of the great forest gump: "pointless is, as pointless does"

Papa - Running/Relaxing

