On March 20, as I have already done a couple of times, I participated as a speaker at the CriptoSummit2024. This event, organized by Blockchain Summit Latam, brought together the most important crypto projects in Chile and the region, so I was invited to be part of the panel "Transforming Assets: Perspectives on Tokenization in the Digital World", representing Mushroom Protocol.

At the Corpartes Foundation Theater, a hundred attendees participated in more than 8 hours of talks, which addressed the different challenges facing blockchain technology and Web3 today. Though for some of us, the "CriptoSummit" didn't really start on the 20th, but a day earlier, in a more relaxed mood.

At Dadino pizzeria, between pizzas, sangria, pisco sour and Ramazzotti, a lot of speakers got together to network and share ideas. That night I talked with friends like Catalina The Great, who moderated one of the talks. Also with Patricio Lopez, a reference of the Chilean ecosystem, Esteban from Rainbow, Cristobal, Diego, Felipe, Mariana and more. Excited, we felt part of a community.

Transforming Assets: Perspectives on Tokenization in the Digital World

Sharing the panel with Valentina De Vidts of Cero Trade and Francisco Perez of Reity was fantastic, and Jaime Pradenas' moderation ensured that the conversation flowed smoothly. Sitting there, we recognized each other as collaborators in building a more inclusive and decentralized future through tokenization.

In Valentina's case, she explained her work related to renewable energy certificates (i-RECs) and why blockchain is a great technology to verify their authenticity.

"We are on our way to become the first I-REC Foundation platform operators in Latin America. That means we have direct access to their database to mirror what is there. If they issue energy and that is converted into a renewable energy certification, we can tokenize and bind the token. I know that sometimes the blockchain and crypto world can be a bit confusing, but this is only a vehicle for our goal, which is to offset the carbon footprint of companies and open up this market of climate assets in Latin America, which is currently quite complicated".

In the case of Reity, Francisco explained in detail about real estate tokenization, and how they fractionalize the profits.

"In Reity what we do is tokenize the economic benefit generated by an asset but not the asset itself... The real estate company that builds a building has the domain of the apartment while it is tokenized and we are transferring the economic benefit to the people who have tokens. What we do is to constitute a mortgage on the apartment in favor of an insurance company, and this company in case we or the real estate company breaches the contracts pays the entire tokenized amount to the people who have tokens. It's a solution outside of blockchain but it was the first one we found to go making that transition from a 0% blockchain/tokenized world to a 100% one."

For my part, I shared our mission to revolutionize scientific funding in Latin America through intellectual property (IP-NFT) in biotech. I shared the advantages of tokenizing and offering these tokens to anyone in the world and the characteristics of the decentralized science (DeSci) movement.

"At no time do we want the researcher or startup to lose the freedom to develop their product and project in the way they require. A development in the area of science and biotechnology can take 5 years or more, and so clearly the scientist needs the time to work on their solution. Science is a field that can benefit greatly from blockchain technology, and we with Mushroom Protocol want to be a spearhead for this movement to continue moving forward."

Minutes after the talk, I received several warm regards and congratulations from the attendees. Little by little, we have been creating a community for Mushroom Protocol and the DeSci in Chile, the country where with Esteban Arenillas and Tomás Ortega founded our startup.

CriptoSummit 2024 was not only a learning and networking event, but it showed us the power and potential of communities in the crypto and blockchain space. You can watch the full panel (in Spanish) through the official CriptoSummit webcast, starting at 3:17. If you are only interested in Mushroom Protocol's participation, here is a summary.

The importance of community for Mushroom Protocol

As a Web3 crowdfunding platform for biotech projects, one of our main goals is to create a DeSci community. Just as mushrooms use their roots to create a network that distributes nutrients underground, Mushroom Protocol intertwines collaboration between researchers, scientists, investors and biotech entrepreneurs.

Through its members, we will always encourage the participation of an active community that defines the present and future. Because of this, Mushroom's communications work fosters connections, aims for transparency and invites people to be part of a journey, as the power of community cannot be underestimated.

If you are passionate about science, technology and building a more decentralized future, we invite you to join the Mushroom Protocol community. With us, every individual, regardless of geographic location or financial status, can participate in the development of biotech projects with transformative potential. Through our decentralized application (DApp) - which is about to be launched - biotech projects can be submitted and evaluated by the community.

If approved, the process of tokenization of the intellectual property, represented by IP-NFTs (Non-Fungible Intellectual Property Tokens), begins. Although this process is still in the hands of Mushroom Protocol's founders, our goal is for the community to take a leading role.

When the time comes, we will implement decentralized governance tools on the Mushroom Protocol platform to enable community participation in making important decisions. With this, we want the users themselves to be able to recommend biotechnology projects, the tokenization model and the artistic design of IP-NFTs.

In the short term, Mushroom Protocol will be one of the hosts of the ICP Community Conference 2024, an event where the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) community will gather to celebrate the third anniversary of the launch of this network. On May 10, we look forward to meeting again and continuing to challenge the traditional model.