
300M in twenty days going to those who are early, active & on-chain with Lens.

  • 50m $pointless to liquidity providers ($10 or more)
  • 50m $pointless to collectors of daily art nft’s on lens
  • 50m $pointless to followers of papajams, Sydney & dydymoon
  • 50m $pointless to meme creators & commenters
  • 50m $pointless to art/music/writing collectors of papajams'
  • 50m $pointless for product/app reviews in the lens ecosystem


Praying for my knighthood as the MR BEAST of lens when all this is said and done.

Day One was 3M $pointless airdropped.
Day Two was 9M $pointless airdropped.
Day Three was 14.25M $pointless airdropped.
Day Four we hit 27.75M $pointless airdropped.

Going to be so broke after this lol.

For the culture!

Simply for being active, early and on-chain rewards are going to be coming thick and fast. Cannot bear the thought of a SINGLE day where the amount airdropped goes down sooooo strap in, hold fast, we're about to go to mega town.


There’s soon to be 1B $pointless in rewards at the newly launched website for making memes. Start now and get eligible as soon as that starts. Your grandchildren will look back at your onchain history and think WTF was he/she doing with her time. So POINTLESS.

Ahem. Play the e-beggar game (fun) to earn, all info is on the discord.

The only constant is change.

Some would have me keep things consistent so this is easy to understand and follow. I say you gotta break a few beakers to find an omelette. As an aside do you know how penecillin was discovered? Fleming was a slob and left a bunch of petri dishes out whilst heading out for the weekend on a bender. He came back and discovered that something random had floated in and killed all the bacteria in one of the petri dishes. Nobel prize, man of the year, yada yada. $CHAOS is the way.


That being said.

The experiment will continue to evolve on a whim. Keep up if you dare. First order of business it to try opening it up to ALL memes across the lens ecosystem e.g. $FRIES, $BONSAI, $LOSI $SANDWICH $ELECTRIC etc. Top priority goes to those that share their meme on Twitter as well. Grow this lens pie is how we all go to valhalla 🥮 **ideally tag me (@papajimjams so I can find it easily, include your lens account too ** On lens feel free to make the meme collectible for 250k $pointless and I will collect my favourite ones and share them in our daily newsletter here on @lens/t2world.

Liquidity Provision

No traction YET on liquidity provision 🧡🙌🏿 prizes were doubled today to make up for yesterday's: 1.5M $pointless to four people is 6M $pointless total to provide a minimum of $10 on any $pointless pool e.g. pointless / chaos, pointless / bonsai etc ideally tag me in the comments when you do so I can find it easily, include the transaction.

Since we didn't have any takers the prize pool doubles to 12M $pointless tomorrow. And to sweeten the pot that is going to be split between just TWO liquidity providoors. Picked at random from whoever does some providing. If not no worries we will rollover AGAIN until someone wins it lol.

Product Reviews

I forgot to do the product review ones yesterday so those rewards are doubled today. Four people, 1.5M $pointless each, lets go!

1. @lens/proofofjake
2. @lens/whoisanku
3. @lens/jeanmi
4. @lens/soureal

Papajams.lens Followers

Sure fire way to signal you small what the rock is cooking. Shoutout to these rockstars. 1.5M $pointless each!

1. @lens/@zhongtian22 who is a retweet machine and all in degen
2. @lens/@diogor our go to for all things Brasilia (was there recently! ❤️
3. @lens/@dcaguy a dubai based MANU fan (can't win them all hehe)
4. @lens/violetta a singer/Songwriter, DJ, Sonic Healer, 1/2 of @karmavioletta 🎶 Building @wavwrld 🌊 & Moon Bird Tribe 🌙✨ 1/77 of Chaos, Member of SongCamp, Music NFT Women & @campfirexyz


I popped three posts up in the last 24hrs, 2 collectors get 1.5M $pointless each.

1. @lens/sovereignty
2. @lens/mycaleum

Papa Music/Art/Writing Collectors

Have been slacking on this for the last four days, meaning there is a pool of 12M $pointless on offer. Going to split this between 4 people who get 3M $pointless!

Today its focused on collectors of my mirror articles:

1. @lens/anatu
2. @lens/wuestenigel
3. @lens/benjix21
4. @lens/jasonmeinzer

Thank you!

MEME creators/proliferators

The world runs on memes. So 750k $pointless each to these world leaders.

I wrote an article about how powerful these buggers are in 2021 that I reckon still holds true today:

1. @lens/apeindaily
2. @lens/superluminal
3. @lens/lilithpiercink
4. @lens/juampi
5. @lens/popos

Keep up the good work!!

Final Thoughts

Tweet raid still active here.

Will be keeping a thread of all the drops for the history books to marvel at.

We are also looking for someone to run this spreadsheet daily and just fill it with who got what. Just drop me a message, pointless rewards of course & connection with the team.

Hope this made your day just a little more pointless.

Papa - Meditating

