My big writing goal is to encourage my friends across the Web3 writing space - in T2, in Twigg, and beyond - to join forces, form StorySquads of 2-6 people, and compete in Season 2 of T2's "Friends Who Write" - and in Round One of the TwiggTales StorySquads challenge.

And of course, I will be leading by example - joining my friends Rionna Morgan, CD Damitio, Cryptoversal, OddWritings and EpicDylan in sharing a fresh new set of essays, short stories, book excerpts, philosophical treatises, and perhaps even palindromic poetry!

As far as reading, on my Kindle right now I'm working through Read, Write, Own by Chris Dixon, and as I do my weekly recycling run in Melbourne (picking up soft plastic waste in my little electric van) I'm re-listening to Reamde, by Neal Stephenson. And, last but not least, in hardcopy on the bedside table is the beautiful book on urban eco-culture by Hannah Moloney, Good Life Growing.

Looking forward to reading your answers, and to doing what I can to help you on your journey as a writer, and to learn from your reading recommendations!