Recently, we dove deep into the backlog of bugs and updates to focus on improving the overall user experience on t2.

Based on your feedback, here's a quick log of all the changes that are now live!

What did we fix?

You asked, and we listened.

Writers now have a new publishing flow in the editor

Previously, the “Publish” button was hidden in the settings panel, and easy to miss. We’ve repositioned it to the navbar to make it more obvious, allowing you to make any final changes to your post before you publish.

New publishing flow

Drafts are now automatically saved as you write

We know writers hate losing their progress. Now, your drafts will be automatically saved every 30 seconds. Happy writing!

Navbar and post page received some aesthetic tweaks

We’ve made some adjustments to the navbar, including displaying your available time points in the profile dropdown and showing your display name instead of your wallet address.

A personal favorite from this release are some fixes to the post page:

  • Headings and bold text has been adjusted to look more consistent with the rest of the body text
  • Bulleted lists now are the same font size as body text
  • Image captions are much smaller
Navbar dropdown showing time points

Comments will now recognize hyperlinks

We love how you have been using comments, and links are an integral part of the discussion. We’ve finally started recognizing these links.

Article card read state

We heard from you how you’d love to easily see which posts have been read already, so we’re finally introducing read-states for those posts. On Territory pages, scroll through the list of posts and easily differentiate which ones you have read before.

Prompts now support likes, edit and delete

If you made a typo in your prompt or just decided that it's no longer relevant, you are now able to edit and delete prompts via the three-dot menu on the right side.

In addition, you can also like a prompt now, which also fully supports continuity for Lens users.

Tons of consistency improvements across t2

We’ve also unified a lot of inconsistencies across the application, including an updated and more readable tool-tip background colour, profile image sizing, and minor spacing fixes across the app.

Bug Fixes

Amongst the plethora of bugs that we squashed, the biggest fix was to the comments counter on the article card, where previously there was an issue with showing the right number of comments under a post.

Performance Improvements

Performance is a feature, and we know it. Our devs have been hard at work on improving load speeds across the app and making the experience on t2 as fast and smooth as possible. Not to mention, a ton of QA testing.

Thank you Devs

This is a special shoutout to our development team, the unsung heroes who patch bugs, make abstract ideas a tangible experience, and execute at insane speeds. Thank you, Rafał, Patryk, Slawek, Radosław, Hasan, and Szymon for all the amazing work you do!

Feedback & Comments

What would you like us to improve next? What’s still bothering you? Let us know in the comments :)