Fictional stories from World War II

I've always been fascinated about the War, i sometimes think and imagine how people felt during those times. I'm using this opportunity to write short sorites from my wildest imaginations. Please note that the date and places might not be accurate as this is purely frictional.

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Created on
Nov 9, 2023



Look Through My Eyes

Lublin, 1943 Except you look through my eyes There are parts untold you cannot see This is the side of the story they wouldn’t tellThe part they would hide from

  • 5 min read


Make sure you see the good

1942, Amsterdam The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children. Dietrich Bonhoeffer I’ve walked this earth for 63 years, my father and brothers

  • 5 min read


When you close your eyes

February 1940, Germany "Can you hear them? They are getting closer now." I could only whisper those words into his ears, I knew he could barely hear me, and his

  • 5 min read


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