I heard a pretty good thought today, very helpful for not falling into the deep pit of self-doubt and despair. We can be at a disadvantage, with many unfavorable conditions regarding our status, family background, starting point, and innate qualities.

And this is not at all pleasant. But if we keep focusing on these, our life would be no different from hell. An internal hell filled with resentment, envy, greed, and anger. And if we accumulate these negative thoughts for long enough, they will gradually become our character, our attitude, and eventually lead to wrong actions that drag our life down.

Life would gradually become a real hell with numerous consequences from these mistakes.However, if we stop focusing on external conditions and shift our attention towards cultivating our character, improving our lives. If we feel ashamed for being inferior to others in virtues, character, attitude, intellect, and effort rather than in material possessions, our inner self will become much lighter, and seeds - the foundation of good qualities - will begin to appear.

Over time, this group of good qualities will influence our attitude and perception, then change our actions. Correct actions will gradually improve our external circumstances.And being able to maintain a light-hearted, joyful spirit regardless of external conditions can be seen as a superpower that helps us live peacefully, healthily, and effectively.I'm going to sleep now.

Since I'm already poor, unattractive, and lacking in talent, I will strive to be a poor, unattractive, talentless person who is healthy and well-cultivated.