When you hear Crypto Trading, what comes to mind first is high level of experience required before even starting. For someone indulging in crypto, naturally the person has to possess a level of understanding or technical know-how required to navigate the necessary apps and steps involved. Most times these steps might be too complicated for a newbie to grasp on their own, and might end up relying on the support of already experienced individuals.
Now imagine there’s an innovative way to trade Crypto as newbie’s seamlessly, boycotting all the unnecessary hassles. Well stop imagining, AZZA is your one way stop to making all your crypto tradings easy(even as a newbie).
The beauty of Azza is that it curtails all the complicated requirements of using multiple apps and steps just for a single trade, with Azza you get to trade seamlessly and as bonus you get to do that in a familiar environment “WhatsApp”. Amazing right?.. Now let’s familiar with Azza.
One of the objectives of building projects integrated in Base is problem solving. A great project is identified by its ability to solve already existing problems or cut down already existing strees-experience.
Azza founded by the incredible Nigerian Builder @toochukwu01 is a WhatsApp chat bot, that helps you buy, sell and send crypto without leaving WhatsApp.
For most individuals WhatsApp is their go-to chat app, mostly because of how easy it is to navigate the app and the fact that messages are encrypted. Now with Azza if you’re chitchatting with your close buddy’s and want to make a quick crypto trade, you don’t need to close WhatsApp entirely just to trade, Azza brings the crypto trading experience right into your WhatsApp. You trade and make money while still catching fun and chatting.
Azza is a WhatsApp bot that performs most crypto trading functions all on WhatsApp. To get started;
- Click on the bot link to get started.
- Once you’re directed to WhatsApp, you’d instructed to type “hello” to kickstart the bot experience .
- Click the “let’s go” option to create your wallet.
- After successfully creating your wallet, you’re required set up security pin for your account (wallet).
- After successfully updating your Transactions pin, you’ll be sent options to either “/balance (check available balance) or /deposit (make a deposit into your wallet).
- If you activate the “balance” function, the bot immediately updates you with your current account balance on all assets available.
- If you activate the “deposit “ function, the bot will request for the specific asset and the chain it’s on you want to purchase(e.g: “USDC on Base”).
- After selecting the Asset and the chain it’s on, an address would be sent to you, with this address you’d be able to make your deposit successfully.
After carefully explaining what Azza is all about and how to get started with it, I’d like to further explain key reasons why you should trade with Azza as opposed to the old traditional method of trading;
- CONVENIENCE: Azza is all about convenience, you get to do everything trading in a familiar environment “WhatsApp” that has an incredible user-friendly interface. While chatting away, you could easily make a quick trade, super easy and convenient.
- ELIMINATES MIDDLE MAN TRADE: With Azza, you get to eliminate the need to use CEX exchanges(with super high and inconsistent rates), as well as scraping off the need to contact vendors(most of which are shady). You do it all with Azza, your money is safe and transactions are swift.
- BEST RATES: With Azza you get to experience the best rates possible, you trade seamlessly and completely eliminates the risks of encountering shady vendors.
- SWIFT AND SEAMLESS: From personal experience, using Azza to trade is seamless and swift. The bot’s response are rapid, there’s no hindrance to performance of any prompt (to get any prompt use “/“).
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY: Using Azza is super easy, it is straight to the point and skips past the completed nature associated with crypto trading. A newbie would use Azza easily without any assistance. Trading experience with Azza is more like chatting with a friend. You get to make transactions by simply sending texts like “send James 0.5 eth” and it’s sent out.
- TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION: One of the major concerns users have while trading is security issues. Many might wonder “how safe would a crypto trading WhatsApp bot be?”, Azza protects your wallet and assets with a two factor authentication system.
- MULTI PROMT FUNCTIONS: Azza provides multiple functions, from; buy, sell, rates, deposit, change pin, reset pin etc. All you need to do is press “/“ and the numerous prompt options appear.
- AVAILABILITY OF MULTI CHAINS: A good number of chains have been intergrated in Azza. Aside Base, you can also make transactions on chains like Tron, Etheruim, Optimism, BSC, Solana.
AZZA is your one way stop to anything Crypto Trading, revolutionizing the old traditional method of trading, offering a better and more efficient mode of trading. Making Crypto tradings on WhatsApp was never possible prior to the development of Azza, but with the emergence of Azza we get to text and Trade and enjoy the sweetest rates.
Trading with AZZA is like texting your close buddy, there no complicated requirements needed to make a trade, you could easily initiate a trade from a simple text “send John 0.5 eth” and the bot carries out the functions.
Give Azza a try today, upgrade your Trading life with Azza