a peak behind the veil
Like I’ve expressed before, I came to Black Rock Desert because I fell in love with a Burner. His energy was an awesome beacon that pierced through my fog. Beckoned me to come closer to land, even though I knew that lighthouse was built upon a dangerous and rocky shore.
If he could glow so brightly, I had to meet the source. I wanted more.
After hours of driving, the desert finally gave way to a buzzing oasis of grime, lumber and machines. Everyone looked grumpy, tired and happy. I found home.
Of course, my goofy ass made it a point to say hi to EVERYONE! Most gazed upon me with queer looks, and wondered how this Sparkle Pony made its way into their haven. Often shooed away to bother some other unsuspecting soul.
In hindsight, they were probably busy working. There is a lot to do on the ranch: building boxes, rehabilitating automobiles, picking a container, blah, blah, blah. There is simply no rest for the wicked. And the ranch continued its hum.
More often than not, some one comes up with a crafty solution that can only be attributed to years of technical experience and the inane ability to deal with a ton of shit.
And oh do we love it! It offers us job security; allows us to showcase our ingenuity, which is often dismissed in the default world.
During my time here (which hasn’t been long at all), I have found that many have rejected or been rejected by the default world. The story is always different, but the undercurrent is the same.
And yet... they glow.
Why they glow is a secret to be explored. Because there is no way to capture the essence of BRS within a single article. It is a story that will slowly write itself. I’m lucky to just be its conduit. A shiny cog, if you will.
If you ever make it out to the ranch, be sure to say hi to all of the grumpy butts. Their barks are worse their bites, although some do have a tendency to bite (I, being one of them) - enter at your own risk.