Once upon a time, flames of curiosity consumed Gabriella. The world outside these windows must be exciting!! She exclaimed to herself in a loud voice. The holidays were just a few weeks away, and the excitement of having lots of free time even made the days seem to have gone by quicker than usual. Mr. Jordan had solemnly promised Gabriella a wonderful summer holiday experience. Right now, the tension was high at home, and any sudden joke that put those reserved plans on a shaken table could trigger discomfort and sad moments. Mrs. Jordan had already begun packing up all the pastries that she had earlier prepared for this trip, as well as beverages. Gabriella's excitement knew no bounds as she was seen hopping around and placing things into their originally placed positions. Joy was perceived all around the house. Gabriella's birthday was just two days away, and the joy heightened in her heart that aside from turning 18 years old, she will also be oppurned to explore the shores of a resort and, of course, breathtaking moments aside from the windows of her room. Now the car is fully packed up with everything that this trip requires. The entire Jordans made their way to the car, blooming with smiles and laughter. The adventure outside the walls of home was taking off, and she shared a glance of relief outside the window. This journey was to last for about 3 to 4 hours, and oops!! Road journeys can be tiring. The atmosphere was quite pleasant, and the couple had a good time talking about a series of times going on in and around their lives. Gabriella wasn't fully to this hot couple's gist going on it front; her mind was already occupied. Mr. Jordan drove for about an hour and decided to take a quick stop at a fuel station to get more fuel for the journey ahead. A bit distracted at this moment from her thinking and assumption of the fun ahead, Gabriella requested a quick snack, which her mom granted, and just in time they were back on the road to continue their journey. The journey was smooth at this point, and there was no cause for alarm for the next 30 to 40 minutes. Just then the unexpected occurred. For a few minutes just behind their vehicle, Mr. Jordan noticed the close range at which another vehicle followed up theirs. He didn't worry as it felt normal; after all, we are all road users. But crazily, after 10 minutes and more, this vehicle seemed to have still maintained its range of coverage. There was panic among the couple because this movement from the vehicle behind became uneasy and disturbing. Mr. Jordan readily increased his speed, and so did the vehicle behind. “We have been followed, honey,” Mrs. Jordan shouted in panic. “What do they obviously want from us?” A lot of questions began racing the minds of this couple and that of their daughter Gabriella. Not quite long, the vehicle behind caught up with theirs and double-crossed them. Now we are surrounded by Gabriella, who cried out in fear and pain. Three armed men hurriedly came out of the car, rushed to theirs, and made an attempt to shoot the passengers in front but didn't because they clearly had a different mission, which was to bring in a child or teen captive. On the sight of Gabriella, one of the men forcefully opened the back door and dragged her into their vehicle. The sight was pitiable because the Jordans were rendered powerless and couldn't save their lovely daughter. Hot tears ran down the eyes of Mrs. Jordan as the vehicle drove off at high speed, and in a loud voice, she screamed her daughter's name as they drove off. There were twists and turns because the once beautiful family moment has become a living nightmare. Drive faster!! Another man in the vehicle shouted as the already blindfolded Gabriella kept on screaming and shouting for help. The vehicle drove at a very high speed, and one could clearly hear the bustling sound of the vehicle in motion, and after about 20 to 25 minutes, it arrived at its destination, which seemed so calm and quiet on arrival. Gabriella, their new abducted victim, was dragged out of the vehicle and led by other armed men into the main entrance of a building; one could tell but was not quite sure where she was. She kept begging for forgiveness, and he sent her home. All pleads fell on deaf ears, and she was instructed not to shout again or else she would lose her life. At this point they took off her blindfold and led her into a darker room, and it here she felt have worlds crumbling and as devasted as she was, hot tears rolled down her cheeks effortlessly. She wondered will I ever make it out of here, and I want an adventure, not suicide, she said to herself. In this darker room, we're more girls; what could this place be, she wondered? They were handcuffed. Everyone was in pain, or rather crying. She was thrown into the room like a piece of trash disposed of. After a few awkward hours of silence and deep regret for herself, Gabriella finally spoke to one of the girls in that room. “Why have they brought us here? What's our crime?" She asked the girl. The other girl, whose name she later discovered was Mabel, replied, “We have been sold out. Every day they come to select groups of girls randomly here and go off to sell them. Gabriella's heart stinked at this point; the world seemed to be gradually coming to an end right in her face. How she wished this was a mere dream. Someone please wake me up, she thought to herself. Gosh, gosh this is real. The Jordans were already on the mission of rescuing their daughter. Different plots and strategies were laid down. After ruthless searching and phone calls, the police were able to rescue Gabriella and some other girls from the human traffickers. That could've been the end; it seemed like a nightmare vanished into thin air, but grateful she was rescued and alive. In history, it became Gabriella's most unforgettable road trip.