“Hello, this is L■■ Von■■■■■, log number 46 about the investigation of stron■■■■■ntrotus purpurea in laboratory number 256 of Ipos Laboratories. S.A.”

[Static noise]

“Currently, it's 13:45 of the day ■■, month ■■ of the year 20■■. The specimen number 234-x has been growing more than the other specimens. After several failures in the growth and maintenance of them, we have achieved a major success. Currently, the specimen's size has surpassed our expectatives, showing an incredible speed growth. We expected it to reach 23 cm x 24 cm x 6 cm. It has already reached 40 cm x 38 cm x 20 cm. Its current growth speed is 1.32 mm per hour, compared to the 0.3 mm per day we initially considered. It has a rounded shape, texture smooth and shiny but also with small imperfections, resembling ■■■■. We have noticed it reacts to external stimulus, the main one being the nutrients we supply for its growth.”

[Static noise]

“It also appears to be interested in us. When one of us walks by, it somehow vibrates and tries to lean closer. It's amazing, this being. We have started collecting small sized samples from it, trying to see It's regeneration rate. Currently, it's 0.4 mm per day. I think we'll be able to reach the final stages of the experiment near the end of the year, if everything goes right. We keep a close eye on it.”

[Static noise]

“As a side note, I think we are doing a pretty good job right now. Ms. Lu■■■ is quite optimistic at the moment, saying that we are working well and it's progressing in the direction we wanted. I am now a senior laboratory attendant. It's been some time since I saw Mr. P■■■■ for the last time. Ms. Lu■■■ told me he was already thinking about retiring and that he was just here to help get the hang of his job. I wish he could have seen the growth spurt of the sample. Just after he left, that thing grew a lot.”

[Static noise]

“... she stays during the nights as well, but when I try to get close to her near that time, she just simply tells me to get back home, that she wants me to rest for the next day. But she is tired. I can see it in her eyes. They are still ■■■. It's as if something is weighing her mind. I know the sample needs constant surveillance, but only her? Every single night? What is she even doing there for so long? Is she that worried that the experiment could turn bad at the smallest chance she is not looking? I can tell her mind is somewhere else when she is not with us.”

[Static noise]

“I wonder what she is thinking about all the time.”

[Static noise]

“Tomorrow will be a new day for more experimenting. I think we will be giving it some new stimulus and taking some more samples. We cut a small piece of the… meat? Could it be even called that? Whatever… the piece is square with the same dimensions all the time, 2 mm per 2 mm. With that, we test two things: both the regeneration rate of the sample and its composition. We do many other tests in the small patch to see how the cells divide and reproduce. It's really interesting, it reminds me of the case of Ms He■■a with her cells… anyways, I can't help but imagine how well everything is going. I can't help but imagine how much we will be able to help everyone else, and maybe, just maybe, I will be able to help him too…”

[Static noise]

“You know, I'm starting to think that Ms. Lu■■■ is having some kind of problem. I sometimes hear her muttering to herself when she is alone, and when she catches me , she just looks away with a smile. I still can't shake off the image of her on the stairs… something must have happened at the time for her to be like that. She looks quite fragile at the moment, but I know she is a strong woman who simply needs to put everything in its place. When Mr. ■■■■■■ didn't come back to work, it sure took a blow on her. They were close and shared the same view, but I heard from the coworkers they had a big discussion over something right before he just went poof. And ever since then, her eyes have been ■■■. And now that they told me that Mr. Pe■■■ is going to go away, I'm sure all the pressure falls on her shoulders. She must be feeling overworked at the moment. Both of them helped her a lot with the investigations, and I hope both of them can return and visit us, and see how well we are doing with everything.”

[Static noise]

“I'm sure they will be very ■■■■■. I just hope that when Mr. Pe■■■ returns, he will see how well I'm managing in his stead. I bet he will give me a pat on the back and just tell me I did a good job, like always. He treats me like a kid, but he is old enough to have grandchildren, right?”

[Static noise]

“Actually, do I even know about their personal life? I think… I have never actually asked them. Mr. ■■■■■■went away before i actually could ask anything about him, and Mr. P■■■… Mmm, I feel I should have been more considerate with them. After all, we are coworkers, right? I think I should know, at least, a bit of their lives. I wonder if they have someone waiting for them at home…”

[Static noise]

“Actually, does Ms. Lu■■■ have someone waiting for her at home? After Mr. Pe■■■ went away, she has not returned to her home. If she has someone, they must be very worried about her. Unless they call, of course, but… I don't know, I think I should keep an eye on her, just in case she is alright. I might have nothing to do with her private life, but still, her being all day and night here, not even having some fresh air nor rest… I am her coworker and I am worried about her, so as a person, I have to worry about her if she doesn't take care of herself…”

[Static noise]

“...right? Do I even… have to? I-I don't know, I think I'm worried about nothing. I should keep my focus on the experiments and try to relax. Tomorrow will be a new day, and a good one, I hope.”

[Static noise]

“Alright, I think right now is… ■■ pm, yeah, so I think I should wrap this up already. It's taken too long anyways. So until next time, yeah. Log number 46 of the day 25, month ■■ and year 20■■ by L■■ Von■■■■■.”

[Static noise, the sound of a cassette stopping]