
Do you truly believe everything happens for reason or is it just a mere coincidence?

Today, I’m going to be discussing a range of spiritual topics and it’s origins and subsequently delving into the blessing that is divine timing and the synchronicity and meaning of angel numbers.

The Origin of Spirituality

In prehistoric times, the belief of Aminism transpired as humans believed in nature, trees, rivers and rocks and viewed them as spirits and life forces. Being one of the earliest ideologies of spirituality as they were thought to influence every aspect of life and human essence.


Shamans played a critical role in the world of spirituality and continue to do so as meditators between the physical and spiritual realm, dating back tens and thousands of years.

Connecting with Ancestors

Early in humanity, people searched for connection with their ancestors seeking guidance, protection and blessings from a spiritual source.

Spiritual Rituals

As you can tell, spirituality is a multifaceted belief system and has never been a monolith. Various practices were and still performed in our present day to connect with higher powers, divinity and consciousness such as:

  • Fasting
  • Meditation
  • Chanting
  • Dancing

Individualism in Spirituality

Spirituality often emphasises transformation, inner peace and connection. Transcending into greater experience than one’s self or our ego. All cultures, religions and time periods have long suggested and highlighted to the innate details that is human consciousness.

Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences and such events that are in align with divine timing appear to have a deeper meaning, such as guidance from divinity which interconnects us in human consciousness. Many spiritual beliefs uphold the sentiment that our universe is intelligent and we, as humans are capable of understanding and receiving messages as long as we are tuned-in and conscious. Even during times of uncertainty they may confirm and encourage us to stay firm onto the right path and trust in the divine.

Akin to a mirror, our outer world reflects our inner world and aligning us with such frequencies can mean we are oscillating at the same alignment as our thoughts, emotions and intentions.

Synchronicities are often seen as direct communication from spirit guides, ancestors or angels. Divinely guiding and protecting to support us in the physical realm and are avidly experienced in spiritual awakenings and transformations, signalling and amplifying our vibration and becoming attuned to our true divine purpose.

Types of Synchronicities

  • Angel Numbers: 11:11, 444, 777, 888.
  • Symbols: Animals, Themes and Places that reoccur.
  • Unexpected Assistance: Receiving help or aid in a timely divine manner.
  • Dreams: Vivid dreams aligning with reality.

As you train the mind and body. It is also possible to do so with your energy and vibration for heightened synchronicity, such as:

Prayer & Devotion

Prayer has been the utmost important element towards spiritualities, religions and deities since the early ages. One thing all religions and practices (and even scientifically) have proven prayer is good for the mind, body and soul. Many people pray due to their core belief system. To serve God, seek clarity, receive blessings, receive guidance in trying times, express thanks and gratitude, a sense of comfort and reliance or connection with God.

Mindfulness & Awareness

The practice of mindfulness is being fully immersed in the present without judgement whilst recognising our thoughts, feelings and surroundings. Focusing on the here and now can prevent us from worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Accepting our experience and releasing attachment will aid us into letting go of control and cultivate a happier and healthier mind.

Gratitude & Compassion

The appreciation of good in all forms and aspects of life will help us to adapt to positivity and ultimately seeing the greater good in our experiences and choices, shifting from a lack-mindset to an abundant one. Also proven to improve our emotional and physical well-being and strengthening our relationships and resilience. Journaling, affirming and expressing thanks are all key elements to gratitude that can be practiced.

The expression of empathy or compassion is considered to be spiritual attributes. They are powerful tools encouraging connection and assist us in understanding the well-being of others and ourselves.

Meditation & Reflection

Self awareness and spiritual growth instil a state of mental clarity and calmness. Together they lay down a concrete foundation for a truly personal yet deeper connection to oneself that transcends into humanity and the universe.

Spiritual Healing

Our chakras can misalign and practices such as meditation and reiki can harmoniously stabilise our bodies energy fields. Using crystals and gemstones in different forms and colours are commonly used within spirituality to heal, promote or manifest frequencies. Sound healing is often also used to revitalise and improve our energy and mood, for example: white noise, relaxation, frequency music and sound bowls. Nature Healing is often recommended throughout our spiritual journey, connecting with the ground (grounding) and being at one with the earth has proven to restore us positively.

Science & Spirituality

In neuroplasticity, the brain’s powerful and transformative ability has proven in its adaptability to being able to rewire itself. Even before spiritual practices, prayers were around before the thorough science of the human brain and it’s capability did not exist until modern day research… pointing to the facts that God, the universe and higher powers were special and sacred and were unprecedented entities pre-existing before us and our time.

Life & Death

The philosophy and inquisition of “what happens after we die?” has been one the world’s most common and disagreeable questions. Between many cultures and beliefs the transition of life after death has been debated and argued that our soul travels to another realm based on our choices and interconnection to the higher power and a divine entity.

Others believe in the aspect of reincarnation, carrying karma from one life to the very next, based on your choices and what you have or have not done in this realm.

Spiritually, the common belief of the ‘Eternal Soul’ and it’s transition outside physicality and the human body. Subsequently after death it is said that we continue our evolution into higher planes and dimensions.

Ultimately, we are all free to believe in our own practices and faith. One day, we must all find out what is the truth and if it differentiates between us all.

*photo not mine credit to the rightful owner*