As gotten from my dreadful dream. Dedicated to the many demised folks in my country who have died through this savagery
It begins from a very drowsy place and so the story is unclear, all that is real is that it is a scene of a sparsely forested area. There are no houses in sight, houses must be miles away but there are road paths and the roads are not tarred, they are dusty roads.
We came from a place of trouble and so while there is the urge to leave the area, there were people in our group that contemplated leaving like we were trying to.
The trouble started with the police. The police were arresting people and it wasn't clear what the cause was. It was a very unfriendly situation and we were numbering into tens and scattered into little groups of friends and acquaintances. We must have arrived the sparsely forested area by being pursued.
I wasn't a criminal and as much as I could tell of my friends and acquaintances, they weren't criminals and so it wasn't clear why we fled and fled so far away from a residential or industrial area.
All I could piece together from the area was a dusty and untarred road that showed evidence of the passage of automobiles and vehicles that had endeavors in the deeper forest.
Where it gets clearer, the police had made some arrests and although they acted like they were taking the arrested folks into custody and leaving, it seemed they could make more arrests and so we were torn between hiding from getting arrested and making our way out of the area.
Only then did we find an old commercial car, the sort used to commute between towns that may span several kilometers.
The commercial car was making its way out of the area at top speed. The driver appeared unaware of our skepticism with the police.
He was driving at a moderately high speed and he was on a phone call. In the usual way of drivers who drove and made calls, he held the phone to his chin with his shoulder and drove with the other hand. When we called out to the driver to get in, I appeared to be the only one to have made the call. And because he was on a phone, he seemed to have a divided attention. Regardless, he pointed his hand out of the window and while looking into our direction and stopping his car, he pointed one finger into the air to signify that he is only interested in picking up one passenger or that there is space for only one passenger.
In reality, the driver was the only one in the vehicle and because some people in my little group saw this, I wasn't the only one that motioned quickly towards the car.
Just like others, I wanted to clarify with the police that they were done with their arrests and I wasn't one of them to be arrested but the urge to leave the area overwhelmed the need to clarify with the policemen.
Eventually, I got into the car and two other friends of mine got into the car. It wasn't clear where we called out to the driver as our destination, but we must have named someplace on our path and the driver must be headed in the direction. We were three passengers in all; two young men and a young lady.
Eventually we got out of the area in no time and the car sped at top speed. Shortly after, the car was now moving in an area that was not particularly familiar but that seemed discernable enough to intuitively determine the direction of our destination. In otherness, the driver drove through a route that appeared as the wrong route. It became clearer that it is the wrong path but the driver calmed our alarm by explaining how his route is the short path that would get us faster into a highway that is more proximal to our destination.
His explanation was halfway convincing and this was even because he drove faster and more roughly in spite of how rough his new route was. And so we were alarmed but we had a greater urgency to journey on to our destination.
As our journey unfolded, a gigantic building was in sight, the building was isolated and uncompleted. It was a roofed story-building and it seemed like a house with recent construction efforts. The car sped as though it's path was beside this gigantic building but we were alarmed because there were no clear vehicular path beside the building.
In no time, I became a struggling body fighting for my survival. The air stenched of gory and I struggled to get out alive and remain in one piece.
When I struggled and got out by some extraordinary means I couldn't explain, I appeared scathed. I saw policemen afar off and as I hasted to leave the gigantic building, they hasted towards it.
I felt distressed but sought the escape of my two friends and fellow travelers. It appeared as though the police hasted towards the gigantic building because they had a grasp of all that was happening. By the time the police made their way to the gigantic building to ensure the rescue of my two friends and fellow travelers, it was all over.
The police arrested the driver and a younger man that appeared like a teenager. They weren't resisting the police and I couldn't tell if other criminals were getting arrested in the gigantic building complex.
The arrested driver and teenage boy carried a large dirty sac that looked blood-tainted and filled with large heavy content.
At the order of the police, they stopped at the patio of the gigantic building and dropped the large sac and stood a few feet behind the large sac as the police told them to.
When I mustered some courage to look inside the large sac. I saw human body parts that were freshly butchered, blood-drenched and lifeless.
I was broken, harrowed and shocked, my two friends and fellow travelers have been killed with their body parts dismembered.
I sunk in grief, I realized how it could have been our trio that got butchered. I realized how when we stopped the driver, he could have been feigning a phone conversation. How even though his car was empty and without a passenger, he raised his hands and pointed only one finger into the air. How he probably wanted one passenger to reduce the odds of escape and bring the ease of butchering one victim.
I realize it is a shocking dream but remember my many country folks who die in this manner. They die like cows in the hands of inhumane criminals without empathy or an iota of human decency.