The theme for the WLAG & T2world competition is Voice. Writers can interpret that any way they want through characters, place or theme to any degree they like. The theme is a creative prompt, not a requirement. Just submit your best short story!

The minimum word count is 1,500 words, and the maximum is 5,000. All stories for adults are welcome and all genres welcome. This competition is for marginalised genders and runs from 11 November until 23:59 BST on 8 December. Please see our rules for more on our eligibility policy.

The first prize is $200, the second prize is $150, and the highly commended prize is $50. Five shortlisted writers receive commendations.

This competition is for marginalised genders and runs from 11 November until 23:59 BST on 8 December.

✹Once you are ready to submit your story, post it in the pinned prompt which states CONTEST ENTRIES: POST HERE by 8 December. ✹


✹ PS Here's a video on how to navigate the t/Writelikeagrrrl and how to add your submission!

Winners and commended entrants will be contacted directly via T2world after 8 December.


Sara Sherwood's short stories have been featured in Dear Damsels’ anthology Let Me Know When You’re Home: Stories of Female Friendship, Test Signal, an anthology of best new northern writing published by Dead Ink and Bloomsbury, and Best British Short Stories 2022. Her short story 'Likes' was also Highly Commended in the Bridport Prize in 2018. Sara has an MA in Creative Writing from the Manchester Writing School and is a creative writing tutor and facilitator for Write Like A Grrrl. She loves creating supportive, caring and creative environments for writers of all abilities, backgrounds and ambitions to thrive and have fun with their writing.

Pam Williams is a Londoner of Grenadian heritage. After graduating from St Martin’s School of Art in 1984, she spent two decades working as a fashion journalist, stylist and magazine fashion editor on She, PS, Shape and Now, before becoming a foster carer. Pam was the winner of the Black Ink Magazine New Writing prize, 2022 with her short story Hibiscus. Pam’s debut novel A Trace of Sun was published in March 2024 by Legend Press and longlisted for the Women’s Prize for Fiction.

Kerry Ryan has won the Spilling Ink Short Story Prize, the Hachette GYOS Prize 2024, and has been shortlisted for the Myriad First Editions Prize, the Writers & Artists Prize 2023, and the HG Wells Prize 2023. Her writing has appeared in The Manchester Review, The Kenyon Review, the Telegraph, the Guardian, the Evening Standard and others. She is the founder of Write like a Grrrl and her courses and workshops are taught all over the world.

For Rules and eligibility see our rules:
