Amina awoke to the beeping of the monitors, her senses slowly coming back to her as she took in the unfamiliar surroundings. She blinked a few times, trying to clear the haze and confusion that clouded her mind. As she became more aware, the reality of her situation dawned on her - she was in a hospital, hooked up to various machines, her face heavily bandaged.

"No…no…no, I'm still paying off loans I took for my sister's liver transplant," she bawled, her initial thought one of pure distress. For several minutes, she swam in a sea of denial, refusing to accept that this was her current reality.

However, as the harsh light of the recovery ward seeped in, the truth became undeniable. Amina was, in fact, in the hospital, and there was no escaping it. A week later, when the doctor finally unwrapped her face, the extent of her injuries became painfully clear. Her once-vibrant features were now burnt and patched, a stark reminder of the trauma she had endured.

With her dramatic tendencies, Amina couldn't help but feel that she was "well and truly fucked." She took a long, hard look at her life, and the report she compiled was bleak. At just 25 years old, she was saddled with a mountain of hospital deb, and a dead joint freelance career with her "team." Apparently, you had to look good before you could be deemed worthy enough to take beautiful pictures of others. She learnt this the hard way.

It all happened on a thursday, at the fashionista wedding her and her team were called to cover. Amina noticed that her team had been giving her the cold shoulder since when she got out of the hospital but she did not think too much of it. When they arrived, the staff of the event managers showed them around the venue and left them to set up. Her teammates were still not talking to her and were laughing at inside jokes she couldn’t quite figure out. The wedding started and Amina took her post and captured beautiful pictures. When it was time for the reception, a guest, seemingly offended by Amina's scars, deliberately poured wine over her, humiliating her with the excuse that she wasn’t beautiful enough to be at an event of such, and that looking the way she is, there is a doubt she would take any worthwhile pictures.

Amina was pissed, but she was about to defend herself, her teammates told her not to make a scene. Told her she was unfit to be there, and that if she could not hold her tongue, she should take her leave. Amina felt hurt like never before, she truly thought her teammates still cared for her. Despite the cold shoulder, she never knew they hated her this much. In an effort to maintain her dignity, she left the scene with her head held high, even though she was breaking on the inside.

For weeks, Amina sank deeper and deeper into depression, and no one seemed able to pull her out of the darkness. Until one day, she found solace in the most unexpected of places – taking abstract and landscape photos. This newfound passion became a lifeline, a therapy that slowly began to heal her wounded spirit.

It was on one of her walks and quest for pictures that Amina met an artist named Amir. His vibrant paintings immediately captivated her, and she couldn't resist the urge to ask if she could take some pictures. Amir, sensing her passion and potential, was more than happy to oblige.

The resulting photographs were brilliant, and Amir, seeing the talent that Amina possessed, took it upon himself to guide her. "When one window closes, a door opens right?" he said, his words resonating with Amina in a profound way.

Amir helped Amina build a new portfolio, one that truly reflected her unique perspective and artistic vision. He encouraged her to express herself online, and soon enough, Amina's work began catching the eye of clients from all over the world.

One sunny afternoon, as Amina was listening to the radio, a segment came on that struck a chord deep within her. It was talking about how life throws humans lemons, and sometimes, it's hard to make lemonade. However, the segment went on to say, if we figure out the trick, we become unstoppable.

Amina thought about her own journey, the challenges she had faced, and the obstacles she had overcome. She smiled, realizing that she had already hacked the trick. Through her determination, her resilience, and the support of those around her, she had transformed the lemons that life had thrown her way into a vibrant, thriving career.

As the days turned into weeks and months, Amina's photography business continued to grow. Her unique style and eye for capturing the beauty in the unexpected earned her a loyal following, and she soon found herself in high demand. Clients from all over the world clamored for her services, eager to see the world through her lens.

One day, as Amina was scrolling through her social media feeds, she came across a post that resonated with her deeply. It was a quote that read, "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern."

Amina paused, her fingers tracing the words on the screen. She knew that these words spoke to the very essence of her journey, the trials and tribulations that had shaped her into the person she was today. In that moment, she felt a sense of peace wash over her, a deep understanding that she had, indeed, found her way out of the depths. As she looked towards the future, she knew that she was just getting started, ready to continue her mission of capturing the light in even the darkest of corners.