The voices in her head echoed loudly as the strange ringing intensified. Stella closed her eyes in pain, trying to decipher what was going on. It was like she wasn't supposed to be here, and still, there she was with no memory of her arrival.
Holding her chest to calm her breath, she opened her eyes to look at her surroundings. Her heart almost took a jump out of her chest when she realized where she was. Her eyes almost turned white, and she felt the urge to puke immediately.
Shaking her head, she closed her eyes to see if she had imagined where she was, and then again, she opened her eyes to see her reality.
Laughing out loud, she held her head and closed her eyes more tightly again. Minutes passed, and still, her eyes were closed.
“Alright, you have to open your eyes now,” she quietly said to herself. With eyes wide open, she felt her heart stagger.
She was truly on air! With nothing holding her.
“This must be some sort of joke”, she whispered with a light scoff.
A gust of wind blew past her and almost slammed her to the right side, but she held on. She must be dreaming, or maybe it was the drug she took to help her sleep. It must have had an effect on her, or was it the superhero movie she watched about Superman earlier that made her dream of being on air?
Shaking her head, she let out a deep sigh.
No, it couldn't be. That had no effect on her. This wasn't the first time she had seen tons of movies from Marvel. Then, what is happening to her? She asked the air that surrounded her. She tried stretching her hands sideways to see if she could fly up and...
"Hell yeah! It worked. She is now a superhero, and it is real! How lovely,” she chuckled dryly.
For a while, she swung her body around on thin air with a thrill. With hands directly on the forest soil, there were brown leaves scattered around, so she moved her hands on them to see if she could control them.
“Wow, it worked!” she screamed.
What is going on with me? she questioned, trying to wrap her brain around things.
Just as she was about to fly up more, the disturbing sound of something ringing came on again. Closing her eyes tightly, she stretched her hands and hit the object of her dismay... and that was all it took to bring her back to her reality.
Biting her upper lips slightly, Stella opened her eyes. A strange yet familiar light penetrated straight into her eyes, and Stella cussed loudly, closing her eyes tightly.
“Am I going to be blind now because I flew toward the sky?” she questioned her eyes whilst relaxing her eyes for a brief moment.
With eyes opened a little, Stella gently inspected her surroundings. A smile curled up on her face as she took in the familiar world she was in. Placing her right palm on her face, Stella shook her head.
Everywhere seems so bright and...
"Goodness!" She screamed, getting out of bed.
She picked up her phone to see she had 43 missed calls from her friend and colleague at work.
“40… Wait, what is happening?” she asked no one in particular.
She moved her feet forward but stopped in her tracks when her leg hit a familiar object.
Chuckling loudly, Stella placed her hands on her forehead as she saw her alarm clock laying flat on the cold floor in a "I can't be repaired, you have to get another style.”
With her mouth open, she looked around her room to see the disaster created. Her room was a perfect description of an Afghanistan war. Her clothes, shoes, and so much more scattered around like an earthquake had occurred overnight.
Just then, her phone rang again, and with a shaky hand, she picked it up.
"Thank God you are alive! I was almost going to call the whole paramedic to your house. You missed work yesterday and didn't show in for today. Are you okay?" Her friend Daisy said in one breath.
"Wait... what?" Stella responded before the phone fell off her hands.
Looking around her room, Stella sat on her bed with her hands on her head as she tried to remember what had led her to start a war with her room.
As she thought about it, a memory struck her.
“Wait… have I been scattering my room when I thought I was moving the leaves around in my dream? Geez! I can't believe I made a mess,” she huffed.
Hitting her head with her hands, she stood up and looked for the purse she took to work last. Opening the zip, the drug she had got two nights before staring back at her.
“Psychedelic drug” , she read, and then she remembered the doctor's words.
“The drug causes hallucination, but it'll help with your anxiety” the doctor had said.
“So, you were the one that made me sleep for so long and created a war in my room?” she said with a light chuckle.
Looking around her room, she closed her eyes briefly, “of course I remember”, she said quietly as she recalled just a year ago when she and her parents had had an accident due to a drunk driver only that… she survived but they did not.
She had been scared just a few days ago and had gotten the drug to relax her mind.
“I guess it did work well. Now I need therapy” she said with a long sigh.