There are things in life that, when too abundant, are not good.

And among the countless things in this world that we (can) have, these few things, when exceeding a certain threshold - when in excess - can be subtly harmful, almost invisibly so.

These things include: thoughts, emotions, and information.

I've separated them for fun, but this trio often goes together. When there's new information, emotions arise, and all sorts of random thoughts start popping up in your head. It's fine to have a little bit occasionally, but if you're getting bombarded with 3 or 40 pieces of news a day, it's easy to go a bit crazy.

In the past, with my limited thinking and cognitive abilities, I used to equate the quantity of thoughts with the quality of decisions made.

Or, in other words, the more you rationalize, the better the decision will be. But that failed miserably; sometimes, overthinking makes me confused, panicked, and bewildered. I'm not sure if the decisions get better, but being confused is guaranteed.

But after playing the game of life for a while and getting punched a fair bit, this model got slightly upgraded:

Quality of decision = Real experience + Ability to generate critical thinking.

Bonus: Quality of action = Quality of decision + Ability to execute the decision.

What you WANT is rewards from quality actions. But all you have is a mess of random, unstructured thoughts, not to mention the daily dose of faulty data from social media.

With this combo, you'll end up with a pretty messed-up mind.

So, don't be sad when any decision you make fails. Because you lack many of the necessary conditions to produce a sound action that yields good results.

Interestingly, the less you desire, the fewer unnecessary thoughts - the less mental clutter, the less likely you are to go crazy. But if you desire more while lacking real experience + critical thinking + execution skills, then you're in for a world of endless desire and mental noise.

(The less greed - desire, anger - irritation, delusion - attachment and ignorance, the less mental clutter and excess emotions, not just desire alone)

Too much information can be overwhelming.

Too much thinking leads to overthinking.

Too many emotions lead to unstable moods.

If this intensity and frequency go on for too long, you'll have psychological issues, which folks colloquially call being "a bit crazy, dazed, dim, foolish, silly, half-baked, or slow."

Physical ailments are hard to treat when you can see and touch them, let alone psychological ones. Be careful, folks.

Manage your info intake this week to avoid burning out. And play sports that use your legs to get the blood flowing down, less pooling in your brain, which helps a bit.

The meme is that I have many thoughts, but none of them are quality or correct. The more I think, the more I know, the more confused I get, and the more wrong I am.

Going for a run to clear my head. Hehehe

Have a happy and healthy week, both in body and mind, folks.