The purpose of our lives should be: 9876543210
Drink 9 glasses of water a day, sleep 8 hours. Visit the 7 wonders of the world, have a six-figure income (USD). Work 5 days a week. Own a 4-wheel car, a house with 3 bedrooms, 2 adorable children, 1 person to love, and 0 stress.
Or it could also be, Smile 9 times a day, sleep 8 hours. Find 7 things to be grateful for, feel fortunate to have 6 beautiful things in your home. Work 5 days a week, eat 4 meals with your family. Read 3 books a month. Have 2 cats, a best friend, and 0 disappointments. Happiness is not a common denominator, so the purpose of each person's life does not need to be defined by fixed standards. Everyone will have their own journey to discover the values that truly bring joy and satisfaction.
Amidst the chaos, we often don't know what to pursue and how to balance it to create happiness for ourselves. Sometimes our unhappiness comes from unintentionally comparing our lives to those around us, thinking that having those things is the only way to be happy and feeling miserable as a result. But between a business owner and a farmer, it's impossible to measure who is happier. Because happiness is an inner state, depending on the balance between the ego, the surrounding environment, and the ability to be fully present in the moment. We don't need to race against others to achieve the 'ideal happiness'. Defining happiness simply is a feeling of peace and contentment in the soul. It doesn't come from what we have or do, but from how we perceive and appreciate what is present. The purpose of life should not just be to pursue societal norms, but to connect with oneself, listen to the deep desires of the heart, and understand what is meaningful in life. Be true to yourself, to what your heart tells you, and you will find your own path to happiness.
Don't worry if you want both but fear that being happy with small things will make you complacent or mediocre. Because if you master the art of balance, you will understand that it is the method of transforming the energy frequency from what you have into a solid spiritual foundation to grasp what you want to have.
Hope this helps!