is an adult animated superhero created by Robert Kirkman for the Amazon Prime Video streaming service, based on the Image Comics comic book series of the same name, which he co-created with Corey Walker and Ryan Ottley. The producers are Skybound Entertainment, Wind Sun Sky Entertainment, Point Grey Pictures and Amazon MGM Studios. The series tells the story of teenager Mark Grayson and his transformation into a superhero under the guidance of his father, Nolan Grayson/The All-Man, the most powerful superhero on the planet. During his transformation, Mark finds himself struggling between his personal life and the responsibilities of a superhero, and is forced to prove that he can be the same hero as his father. Steven Yoon stars in the series Mark Grayson/Invincible alongside Sandra Oh and J. K. Simmons as Mark's mother and father, respectively, while the rest of the cast have recurring roles.
The premiere of "Invincible" took place on March 25, 2021. Its first season, consisting of eight episodes, ended on April 29, 2021. After the finale of the first season, Amazon renewed the series for a second and third seasons. A special prequel, Invincible: Eve of the Atom, was released in July 2023. The second season, also consisting of eight episodes, was divided into two parts: the first part was released from November 3 to 24, 2023, and the second part - from March 14 to April 4, 2024. Three months after the second season finale, "Invincible" was renewed for a fourth season. The series has received critical acclaim, including for animation, action sequences, plot, voice acting (especially by Yoon and Simmons) and emotional heft.