First, the multidimensional definition of love

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Love, the most complex and mysterious existence in human emotions, has a multi-dimensional definition. Deep emotional connection is one of the core elements of love, which goes beyond superficial communication and makes two people resonate at the spiritual level. Each other can read each other's inner world, as if there is an invisible bond that connects the two sides closely. ​

Mutual respect is very important in love. Respecting each other's independence and freedom means not trying to control or interfere in each other's life. When one party wants to change jobs, the other party gives support, which is the embodiment of respecting choices and decisions. At the same time, respect each other's feelings, avoid hurting each other's feelings, apologize and correct in time when doing something wrong, and encourage each other to share their feelings and ideas. In addition, respecting each other's values and beliefs, privacy, opinions and opinions is also the cornerstone of building a healthy love relationship. ​

Trust and honesty are another important part of love. Trust allows both parties to be honest with each other, share secrets and worries, and believe that the other party will be loyal and honest. For example, no matter how busy boys are, they will report their trips to girls, and girls will tell boys truthfully when they receive gifts from the opposite sex. These are all signs of trust. Love is based on honesty, and even white lies can do harm to the relationship. Just like the story of Anna and David, David's lies, though well-intentioned, eventually caused a rift in their relationship. Fortunately, through frankness and hard work, they repaired the relationship. ​

Love is such a complex and unique emotional experience, which contains many elements such as deep emotional connection, mutual respect, trust and honesty, etc. These elements together build a multi-dimensional definition of love, which makes love bloom in human life. ​

Second, the charm of classic love stories

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(A) love in literary works

Love stories in Tang poetry are often full of regrets and misses. For example, in Cui Hu's "The south village of the capital city", last year today, the face of peach blossoms set each other off in red, and the stunning look made the poet fall in love at first sight. However, when he searched again, the human face did not know where to go, and the peach blossom still smiled at the spring breeze. This is a miss brought by young ignorance and stubbornness. Love is hard to say in your heart, leaving only a lifetime of acacia. ​

Look at "Give to a Maid" again. Cui Jiao and his handmaid were childhood friends, but because of the trick of fate, the handmaid was sold into Houmen. The meeting of the Cold Food Festival broke Cui Jiao's heart. "As soon as Houmen entered the sea, Xiao Lang was a passer-by." Once the beauty vanished, only endless regrets were left. ​

Among the world famous literary works, Wuthering Heights' love is equally touching. The love between Heathcliff and Catherine is full of contradictions and struggles. They love each other, but they can't be together because of the difference in social status. Catherine's weakness and Heathcliff's revenge make their love full of pain and miss. However, even at the last moment of their lives, their hearts are still worried about each other, and this persistence is moving. ​

Love in literary works, whether it is regret, miss or persistence, shows the complexity and profundity of love. It makes us feel the beauty and helplessness of love, and also makes us cherish the love around us more. ​

(B) Love in film and television dramas

Classic love stories in film and television dramas can always touch people's heartstrings. In "The Swordsman of New Shushan", chasing the wind and loving Yaochi is a doomed tragedy. Zhuifeng, who was born in the magic religion, was a flower thief, but after meeting the Yaochi Palace Master, he fell in love deeply. He gave up his identity and life for Yaochi, but he never got her response. This love is full of helplessness and sadness. ​

In The Legend of the Dragon, the love between Xiaoyu and Ye Xi is equally sad. When people and dragons fall in love, they will be condemned by heaven, but they still love each other. In order to save the man, Xiaoyu exhausted his last breath and died in Ye Xi's arms. Their love, like a flash in the pan, is short and beautiful. ​

The love stories in these TV dramas show the joys and sorrows of different loves. Some are full of regrets, some make people cry, while others make people yearn for love. They let us see the power of love and make us believe in the existence of love more. ​

Third, touching love in reality

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(A) Never give up the power

In real life, many couples have shown great strength when facing difficulties. Just like the stories of vegetative wives and husbands, people deeply feel the tenacity of love in the face of difficulties. ​

This is the story of Lao Zhangtou and Li Hua. Li Hua became a vegetable because of a car accident. The doctor asserted that there was little hope of waking up, but Lao Zhang did not give up. He brings Li Hua's favorite jasmine to the ward every day to tell their love story. Three years of persistence finally brought a miracle, and Li Hua woke up on a sunny morning. ​

The love between Sergeant Lu Lei and his fiancee Pan Xiaoxia is also touching. In a car accident before marriage, Pan Xiaoxia became a vegetable. Lu Lei's mother advised him to break off his marriage, but Lu Lei resolutely chose to stick to it. He took good care of Pan Xiaoxia and learned nursing knowledge from scratch. Under his insistence, Pan Xiaoxia not only opened her eyes, but also gradually recovered her self-care ability. ​

The story of Deng Youcai, a post-90 s boy from Guangxi, and his wife Ye Meidi is equally touching. Ye Meidi was seriously ill, underwent many operations, and finally became a vegetable. Deng Youcai never gave up, singing and dancing every day to amuse his wife, and insisted on treating her with the help of netizens. He took his wife back to his hometown to recuperate, while taking care of his wife and daughter, while setting up a stall to shine shoes at night to supplement his family. ​

Teng Defu and Wang Zhixiang are also a couple in trouble. Wang Zhixiang became a vegetable because of a serious illness, and Teng Defu quit his job to take care of her wholeheartedly. He made parallel bars to help his wife walk again, and played his wife's favorite songs and dances and photos to help her recover her intelligence. After more than four years of hard work, Wang Zhixiang has made great progress. ​

The stories that these couples stick to in difficulties fully reflect the greatness of love in the face of difficulties. It is not only the romance between flowers and the moon, but also the power to support each other in the wind and rain. ​

(B) the innocence of campus love

Campus love is often full of innocence and beauty. Taking the story of Xiao Fang and Xiaoming as an example, their love shows the unique charm of campus love. ​

Xiao Fang is the class flower in the school, beautiful and elegant; Xiao Ming is a handsome boy with sunshine, optimistic and cheerful. They met in a school activity, and Xiao Ming's sincerity and gentlemanly demeanor moved Xiao Fang, and they gradually developed a good impression. They took part in various activities together and had a lot of happy time. ​

However, their love is also facing difficulties. Xiao Fang's mother objected to their being together, thinking that Xiao Ming's family was average. But Xiao Ming didn't give up. He studied hard and proved his ability and determination with practical actions. Finally, Xiao Fang's mother was moved by his persistence and efforts and agreed to their love. ​

Xiaoming and Xiao Fang walked through the college entrance examination together and realized their dreams. Their love is like a blooming flower, emitting a charming fragrance. ​

The innocence of campus love lies in its lack of material considerations, and more is mutual appreciation and companionship. In the face of difficulties, they overcome them with firm faith and courage, showing the power of love. ​

Whether it's the persistence of husband and wife in reality or the innocence and beauty of campus love, these touching love stories make us believe that love is a powerful force, which can overcome all difficulties and bring us happiness and warmth. ​

Fourth, the sentiment of love in literary works

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(A) love and writing

In many love compositions, we can deeply feel the authors' different feelings about love. Some compositions describe the sweetness and happiness of love, which makes people feel like they are in a beautiful love world. For example, an author wrote, "Have you noticed? The feeling of love is always sweet at the beginning. I always feel that with one more person to accompany you and one more person to help you share, you are finally no longer lonely, because at least one person thinks of you and loves you, no matter what you do, as long as you can be together, it is good. " This passage vividly shows the beauty of the early days of love. Two people accompany each other and face life together. That sweet feeling makes people yearn for it. ​

However, love is not always smooth sailing. Some compositions also describe the bitterness and helplessness of love. For example, "but slowly, as you get to know each other better, you start to find each other's shortcomings, so problems happen one after another, and you start to get bored, tired and even want to escape." In the process of the development of love, the two sides gradually find each other's shortcomings, and contradictions also arise. At this time, love is facing a test, and both sides need to work together to solve the problem. ​

Love letters are also a way to express love feelings. Shen Congwen wrote in his love letter: "I have crossed bridges in many places, seen clouds many times, and drunk many kinds of wine, but I only loved a man of just a good age." This sentence expresses the persistent pursuit of love. Even after many experiences, there is only one person I love most in my heart. The love letter of Cangyang Jiacuo is full of helplessness and affection: "I have put down heaven and earth, but I have never put down you. You have been living in my heart for so many years. I have let go of heaven and earth, but I have never let go of you. " His love is full of contradictions and struggles. Even in the face of many difficulties, he still can't let go of that person. ​

Through these literary works, we can see the ups and downs of love. The authors express their feelings about love in words, which makes us understand the complexity and diversity of love more deeply. ​

(B) the enlightenment of the beautiful text of love

Love essays can often bring us deep thoughts on different stages of love. In the meeting stage, as Bai Luomei said, "Not all people can meet the right person at the right age. Even if you meet the right person, you may not be able to afford the love you want. " Meeting is a kind of fate, but not every meeting can bring beautiful love. Sometimes, we will miss the right person for various reasons, leaving endless regrets. ​

At the stage of knowing each other, the two people began to understand each other's inner world and gradually established a deep emotional connection. At this time, each other can read each other's emotions, as if there is an invisible tacit understanding. As one author wrote: "People are always so eager to be loved when they are single, and they are more eager to be loved when they are together. The former's desire is slight, and a simple greeting and a concerned eye can be satisfied. In the latter case, the temperature generated by greetings and concerned eyes can only stay on the surface of the heart. They also need two people to hug each other tightly until they are short of breath, and that temperature can only pass through the heart. " In the process of getting to know each other, the needs of both sides for love are constantly changing. ​

In the love stage, love is full of passion and sweetness. Two people are immersed in the world of love, enjoying each other's company. However, this stage is not without challenges. As time goes on, the novelty will gradually disappear, and love needs the joint efforts of both sides to maintain. As someone said, "Love is like grinding stones. Maybe you are not so satisfied when you first pick them up, but please remember that people are flexible and many things can be changed. As long as you have the heart and courage, instead of picking up unknown stones everywhere, you might as well polish the stones you already have." ​

In the phase of forgetting each other, when love comes to an end, some people choose to let go and forget each other.