Nowadays, many friends sit in front of the computer for hours unconsciously, or sit on the sofa for most of the day. Although it seems that the whole person is relaxed when sitting, do you know that the harm of sitting for a long time may be far beyond imagination? Today, we will explain in detail the harm of sedentary and its best remedy.

First of all, we need to know what sedentary is. According to the World Health Organization, when awake, low-energy consumption behaviors with activity intensity less than 1.5 times the basal metabolic rate are sedentary, such as sitting on the sofa watching TV and lying in bed brushing mobile phones. It is also said that sitting for more than 8 hours a day, or not getting up for 2 hours, is sedentary. But no matter which definition, "low activity intensity" is an important feature of sedentary.

Many friends often forget the time as soon as they sit down. At this time, try the sedentary reminder in Huawei smart wearable devices. When you sit for too long and have less activity hours, you will send a thoughtful reminder to help you avoid health hazards due to sedentary.

What are the hazards of sedentary?

According to a study published in The Lancet, compared with people who sit for less than 2 hours a day, people who sit for more than 6 hours a day have an increased risk of 12 chronic diseases by 26.7%. Although the harm of sedentary may not be obvious in a short time, long-term sedentary may lead to many changes in the body quietly, such as the following four.

Sitting for a long time may hurt the cervical spine. When sitting for a long time, the cervical spine will remain in a tight state, which will have a negative impact on local blood circulation and lead to muscle fatigue. If this situation continues, chronic strain may occur in the neck muscles. In mild cases, it is easy to feel pain and other discomfort; In severe cases, it may lead to instability or dislocation of the intervertebral joints of the cervical spine, which may lead to cervical spondylosis. For a long time, symptoms of cervical nerve root compression may occur, further aggravating discomfort.

Sitting for a long time may cause lumbar disc herniation. There are five lumbar vertebrae, and the special structure between the lumbar vertebrae is called intervertebral disc, which consists of cartilage endplate, fibrous ring and nucleus pulposus. When you keep the same sitting posture or wrong sitting posture for a long time, the pressure on the intervertebral disc will increase obviously, and the fibrous ring protecting the nucleus pulposus may rupture, so the nucleus pulposus may protrude or deviate from its normal position, forming what we often call "lumbar disc herniation". In the early stage of lumbar disc herniation, most people will experience different degrees of waist and leg pain, and some people may feel numbness and weakness in their lower limbs. If these symptoms have not been alleviated for a long time, it is recommended to seek medical advice in time.

Sitting for a long time may cause lumbar disc herniation. There are five lumbar vertebrae, and the special structure between the lumbar vertebrae is called intervertebral disc, which consists of cartilage endplate, fibrous ring and nucleus pulposus. When you keep the same sitting posture or wrong sitting posture for a long time, the pressure on the intervertebral disc will increase obviously, and the fibrous ring protecting the nucleus pulposus may rupture, so the nucleus pulposus may protrude or deviate from its normal position, forming what we often call "lumbar disc herniation". In the early stage of lumbar disc herniation, most people will experience different degrees of waist and leg pain, and some people may feel numbness and weakness in their lower limbs. If these symptoms have not been alleviated for a long time, it is recommended to seek medical advice in time.

Sitting for a long time may lead to "dead hip syndrome", which is called "gluteal muscle amnesia" in medicine. It is a disease with gluteal muscle dysfunction, and its most common cause is sitting for a long time. When sitting for a long time, the gluteus muscle will be in a state of relaxation and weakness. Over time, the brain will adapt to this abnormal tension intensity and think that the gluteus muscle does not need to exert force, thus weakening the nerve signal transmission to the gluteus muscle. Simply put, the gluteus muscles are slowly "forgotten" by the brain. In the long run, not only will the buttocks become flat and loose, which will affect the appearance, but it will also cause pain in many parts such as waist, hip and knee joint.

Sitting for a long time may increase the risk of arthritis. Some people think that no exercise can avoid knee wear, but in fact, sitting for a long time is more likely to hurt your knees. This is because during exercise and walking, knee joint fluid will flow inside the joint, providing necessary nutrition for articular cartilage. Sitting for a long time will not only reduce the secretion of joint fluid, but also cause extra pressure on the knee, thus increasing the risk of arthritis. Studies have shown that the incidence of arthritis in runners is 3.5%, while that in sedentary people is as high as 10.2%.

Do you know the best remedy for sedentary?

Seeing this, I believe that everyone has a deeper understanding of the dangers of sedentary. But for friends who are busy with their lives and work, it is often difficult to avoid sedentary. Next, we will share the best remedy for sitting for a long time.

An authoritative journal of sports medicine published a follow-up study of more than 72,000 participants, and found out the most significant exercise to remedy sedentary, that is, walking. The researchers asked participants to wear monitoring instruments to collect their daily steps and sedentary time, and divided them into a high sedentary group with sedentary time of more than 10.5 hours per day and a low sedentary group with sedentary time of less than 10.5 hours per day. During the 7-year follow-up period, the researchers found that with the increase of sedentary time, the incidence of cardiovascular disease increased significantly, while walking could significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and death caused by sedentary.

The study found that no matter how long participants sit, as long as they walk more than 2200 steps a day, they can effectively resist the health threats caused by sedentary and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. For the best effect, it is recommended to go to 9000 to 15000 steps. Specifically, when people in the high sedentary group walk 9000 steps a day, the risk of death is reduced by 39%; People in the low sedentary group reduced their risk of death by 31% when they walked 10,300 steps a day.

For friends who find it difficult to find time to walk exclusively, you can try to change the distance from work to work into walking, for example, take one stop less on the subway bus, walk to the office or home, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. At the same time, we can speed up the pace appropriately. Many studies have found that a faster pace will increase the health benefits brought by walking, such as stabilizing blood lipid and blood pressure levels, preventing osteoporosis and reducing the risk of depression.