Some of them have only been mentioned in the mouth of the older generation. Let's learn several rare needle lifting methods together.

2022-03-20 17: 30 Weaving Life

Looking through the pictures yesterday, I accidentally saw these pages, which were on the Russian internet, but were domestic materials.

Content typesetting, which looks like excerpts from old books, seems to be unheard of in other materials.

For example, in the second picture, "needle lowering and needle lifting",

It seems to be the usual method of raising needles while knitting.

And this kind of weaving, as far as I am concerned, is learned from the word of mouth of the older generation.

Later, I only saw it in some video teaching.

I saw it for the first time in books.

In addition, there is the "open lifting method", which seems to have only been seen in the video ~

Save it, share it and study together ~

However, I'm Xiaobai, and I don't pay much attention to the information of the needle. Please forgive me if there is any duplication.