Grace / Sonia Build On Web3

27 February 2024 15: 01 Guangdong Three people heard it.

As more and more users pour into the block chain network, scalability is becoming a major challenge, more efficient to complete transactions and reduce the cost of Gas has become a major problem, so Layer 2 into the public eye. Volkswagen Group Co.

What is Linea

Linea, the first ZK Roll-up project developed by ConsenSys, is a fully equivalent EVM two-tier network that perfectly combines high capacity, scalability, and low Gas rates, while also providing developers with the exact same tools and infrastructure as on the Ethereum network.

Linea combines zero-knowledge proof functionality with full Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) equivalence, allowing builders to create scalable dapps or migrate existing dapps without the hassle of changing code or rewriting smart contracts. In addition, Linea offers a convenient and flexible extensible portfolio that allows developers to build on zkEVM without becoming experts in zero-knowledge technologies.

Currently trading on Linea is 15 to 20 times cheaper than the Ethereum network. And more and more ecosystems have been deployed and migrated to the Linea network, including wallets, cross-chain bridges, DeFi, NFT and other areas, and Linea's total lock-in value (TVL) has also soared and is now stable at $68.8 million.

Project background

Founding team

Joseph Lubin is the founder of ConsenSys and one of the co-founders of Ethereum.

Phil Davis is ConsenSys' Chief Financial Officer, overseeing ConsenSys' finance and accounting functions, expanding the company's pioneering financial strategy.

Project financing

Linea has so far successfully raised $775 million and valued at $7 billion, with five rounds of financing. The participating companies include not only top encryption investment institutions such as Dragonfly and Coinbase Ventures, but also traditional financial giants such as Microsoft and Softbank.

ConsenSys, Linea's parent company, reported revenue of $720 million in 2022, according to ConsenSys. With a net profit of $220 million, ConsenSys is a blockchain software company that develops Decentralized Applications (DApp) for the blockchain ecosystem and provides tools for developers and end users, with major projects based on the Ethereum network. Its products include MetaMask, an encrypted wallet with over 30 million monthly users, and Infura, a blockchain development tool for developers with over 400 thousand users, making it one of the most influential and powerful companies in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Linea Current Development

At present, Linea has successfully launched the main network, and achieved good ecological results, the current Linea main network total value of $68.81 million, valued at $7 billion. Linea test network just launched during the Odyssey mission users extremely introversion, despite the community of many users Tucao but its heat only increased, the market is still full of expectations for Linea airdrop.

LineaTVL data (Source: )

Linea from August 9 on the main network so far, TVL lock volume of nearly $56.64 million, due to the official DeFi Voyage activities began, resulting in TVL short-term rise of about 2 times. At present, Linea's six-week DeFi Voyage activity is coming to an end. The DeFi Voyage activity is divided into ten bands, each band involves a DeFi field. Including wallets, exchanges, cross-chain bridge, swap, lending, pledge liquidity and other areas, which have a core task and a reward task, when the user completes the core task, you can get a soul binding coin Linea Voyage XP.

Linea's Technology

Linea uses a Vortex-based SNARK (zero-knowledge verifiable non-interactive parameter) proof technique. This technology not only ensures the privacy and confidentiality of transactions, but also enables efficient verification, thus improving the efficiency of the entire system. SNARK technology can ensure the efficiency and privacy of the transaction process, providing users with a more efficient trading experience and security.

Linea Internal Proof System (Source:

Linea is a fully equivalent EVM two-layer network, which differs from other zkEVMs in their internal proof systems Arcane and Vortex.

To prove the trades on Linea, Linea uses Arithmetization to convert the computer program into a mathematical expression that the ZKP can understand.

Arcane and Vortex build a concise proof system. The zk-EVM arithmetic is compiled by Arcane, whose role is to convert the zk-eVM a rithmetic into polynomial - IOP. Vortex instances polynomial an IOP into a concrete proof system, and Vortex is equipped with a self-recursing mechanism that allows iterative compression of proofs.

When self-recursing reduces the proof sufficiently, an external proof system can be used to add a final compression step, and finally, by recursively optimizing, the proof is compressed to the external proof systems gnark (gnark is a comprehensive Golang framework for Consensys that supports Groth16, PloNK, and many more advanced features.) ) to make it verifiable and eventually verifiable on the Ethereum network.

Advantages of Linea

A better DeFi experience

Linea not only serves as a foundation, providing a convenient development environment for developers, With a strong focus on DeFi, Linea's flexible, scalable portfolio enables developers to build new DeFi protocols, and supports lower gas fees and a high throughput of 4,800 TPS that the Ethereum network cannot provide.


Linea strives to provide developers with a seamless developer experience on the Tier 2 network, and supports integration with tools such as MetaMask, Truffle, Infura, to reduce development costs for developers. Linea combines zero-knowledge proof functionality with full Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) equivalency, allowing builders to create scalable dapps or migrate existing dapps without the hassle of changing code or rewriting smart contracts and simply focus on innovation.

Backed by large flow, tool support

Also a product of Consensys, tools such as Matemask, Infura, Truffle. Linea ecological applications all support Metamask wallet link, can attract more users for Linea, while Linea's mainnet default built-in MetaMask, users can beat the complex manual add process. In addition, developers can use Infura's API to release and expand DApps faster, forming a complete Consensys business loop.

Ethereum security mechanism

Linea participates in Ethereum's security mechanisms while optimizing execution, allowing users to make large numbers of transactions, run complex programs, deploy contracts, mint NFTs, etc., and then report all of these executions to the Ethereum network. Linea uses zero-knowledge proofs to prove and send reports of activity on the Linea chain to the Ethereum network, which can be optimized for execution without security constraints. This is more reliable than rollup with a single prover, without the risk of a single point of failure.

In addition, the Consensys team's strength in regulatory and cryptographic compliance in America gives Linea a unique advantage that no other tier 2 network has.

Linea Ecology

At present, LayerZero, Galxe, Orbiter Finance and other projects have been integrated into the Linea ecosystem, although the DApp currently supported has exceeded 100, but most of them are replicated Ethereum ecology. Here are some ecological projects worth watching on the Linea network:

Linea Ecology Project (Source: )

Cross Chain Bridge Owlto Finance

Owl to Finance is a decentralized Cross-Rollup cross-bridge on the Linea chain. As the best-developed cross-chain project in the Ethereum ecosystem this year, Owl to Finance aims to provide users with safe and fast asset flow and transfer services. Linea is a highly decentralized two-tier network solution that currently supports cross-chain services between networks such as Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, StarkNet, zkSync, etc. This also makes it easier for OwltoFinance to provide a better cross-chain solution based on Linea.

Decentralized lending agreement Mendi Finance

Mendi Finance supports mainstream currencies including USDT, USDC, D AI and other stable tokens. Mendi has a reliable security model and receives price protection from decentralized prognosticators such as Pyth and Chainlink, providing users with secure transaction support.

In addition, Mendi also has a cross-chain recharge function that allows users to deposit assets from any chain into the Mendi loan pool.

Mendi Finance website (Source: )

Decentralized exchange platform EchoDEX

EchoDEX is the first ecological project on the Linea chain, with its own low cost and high liquidity aggregator function loved by users, EchoDEX supports cross-chain, pledge, mining and other functions, users can get tokens ECP as a reward. In addition, EchoDEX has officially announced the airdrop plan, and the detailed points standards and rules can be viewed on the official website.

EchoDEX website (Source: )

NFT Zonic

As the first NFT exchange platform on the Linea chain, Zonic also participated in the DeFi Voyage event. Zonic is a two-tier network on the NFT exchange market, support Polygon, Scroll, Abitrum, zkSync, Optimism and other chain NFT transactions, Zonic support complete free sale of NFT.

Zonic website (Source: )

Wallet LineaSafe

Linea Safe is a decentralized escrow agreement and collective agreement asset management platform supported by Linea Goerli and Linea, one of the key partners in the Linea ecosystem. LineaSafe is also supported by Protofire (a team of blockchain experts) to ensure the updated state of the wallet and the optimization of security features to help users experience the Linea ecosystem more smoothly.

LineaSafe website (Source: )

Linea Token Economy

Linea has not yet issued native tokens.

Line Voyage XP ($LXP)

Participate in Linea's ongoing DeFi Voyage campaign, and after completing the core tasks, you can get a soul bound coin, Linea Voyage XP.

Voyage XP is a soul-bound token that is non-transferable and has no monetary value. Can be simply understood as Linea to Linea community contributors points and body proof, Voyage XP holders are eligible to receive official periphery, community roles, whitelisting and other benefits.


At present, the native project on the Linea chain is still relatively small, and the future can be better developed under the vigorous development of the native project. The Linea team has been actively developing eco-partners, and the native integration of MetaMask has helped Linea form a strong connection with its users. Linea's zero-knowledge proofs and EVM equivalents allow Linea to compete with zk-VM rollups, allowing seamless reuse of existing smart contracts and tooling infrastructures. Coupled with the expectation of the majority of users on Linea's currency, there must be a big outbreak waiting for Linea.


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Author: Grace

Translator: Sonia

Article revisers: Edward, Wayne, Elisa, Ashley He, Joyce

* Investment is risky and entering the market should be cautious. This article is not intended as investment advice or any other type of advice. (This article is for Gate)






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