Adjust temperature

Generally, the winter temperature in the north is lower, so when cultivating flowers that prefer high temperatures, attention should be paid to insulation. For example, the indoor temperature of Bai Lan, Milan, etc. should not be lower than 10 ℃ in winter. In summer, it is advisable to choose a well ventilated and cool place to place plants such as cyclamen and crab claw orchids that enjoy coolness. The flowering period can also be controlled by adjusting the temperature to achieve the goal of flowering according to demand.

Antifreeze and Warmth

Ornamental plants such as Milan, Fusarium, poinsettia, gentleman's orchid, and cyclamen need to maintain a warm temperature of at least 5 ℃ in winter and be protected from cold winds. In winter, the tubers of flowers such as lotus and banana must be dug up and placed indoors for insulation. Potted plants should also pay attention to insulation. Leaf watching plants such as cycad, wenzhu, sunflower, and turtle backed bamboo only need to stay above 12 ℃ in winter without freezing. Please note that the turtle backed bamboo requires a slightly higher temperature and should be kept above 5 ℃. Cactus plants are most suitable at around 10 ℃.

Heating effect

In winter, plants growing in the living room have difficulty reaching the required room temperature due to uneven heating time. The large temperature difference between day and night is very unfavorable for plant growth. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to ventilation, prevent dryness, and frequently spray water on plants to increase air humidity. Plants should maintain a certain distance from the heating system to prevent the temperature from rising and causing the leaves to become dry and pointed. Avoid low temperatures

Many foliage plants can only live in medium to high temperature environments. If they are exposed to low temperatures, they may suffer from freezing damage or even death. For example, Lou's sea taro has an optimal temperature of 20-30 ℃, and the room temperature in winter should not be lower than 18 ℃. Leafy trees will shed their leaves when they are cold, and ferns should also avoid low temperatures. Taro plants are most sensitive to low temperatures. If the daily ambient temperature is below 15 ℃, the leaves will shrink, curl, and eventually fall off. Therefore, if the temperature inside the living room is below 15 ℃ in winter, attention should be paid when choosing foliage plants,

Lighting requirements

Flowers are usually divided into two categories: those that prefer sunlight and those that prefer shade. Roses, pomegranates, chrysanthemums, daffodils, lotus flowers, etc. all belong to the sun loving category, and they need to be cultivated under sunlight to grow well. Anyin plants refer to flowers that originally grew in shady slopes or moist environments in forests. Like the Four Seasons Camellia, Cymbidium, Rhododendron, and Phyllostachys, they all dislike direct light.

Timely fertilization

Household flowers generally do not need too much fertilizer, especially the popular foliage viewing flowers are Brazil iron pillar, fortune tree, etc. Because of the need to maintain the original plant shape and prevent overgrowth and aging, they are generally fertilized 12 times in the spring and autumn rainy season. For other vigorous flowers, it is generally enough to fertilize once a month. The fertilizer can be 500-800 times of nitrogen phosphorus potassium compound fertilizer, or self-made organic fertilizer. For example, rice washing water, milk bottle washing water, orange peel, eggshell sealed and soaked for half a month, it will become a odorless high-quality organic compound fertilizer.

Skill 2



Reasonable watering

The main function of plant roots is to fix plant growth and absorb water and nutrients from the soil. At the same time, the roots are also breathing. If watered excessively, the soil in the pot will be soaked in water, and the respiration of the roots will be blocked. Long term excessive watering can cause the pot flowers to rot and die.

Water is a necessary condition for the survival and reproduction of flowers, and reasonable watering is the key to successful flower cultivation. The types, environments, and climates of flowers vary greatly in terms of water demand. For home flower cultivation, especially indoor flowers in the living room, due to the lack of direct sunlight, the transpiration of flowers is weak, and excessive watering is not recommended. Otherwise, the soil is often in a waterlogged state, and the roots will suffocate and die. Overwatering and excessive watering are important reasons for many unsuccessful flower cultivation in families. Generally speaking, flowers placed on balconies should be watered more, while indoor flowers should be watered less; Watering should be done more when the temperature is hot, less when the temperature is cool, more for herbaceous plants, and less for woody plants. Watering should be done alternately according to the wet dry cycle, that is, watering should be done when the soil is relatively dry, and each watering should be done until water seeps out from the bottom of the pot.

Tap water pouring

Some people say that because the water contains chlorine gas, it cannot be used for watering plants. But years of practice have proven that when the pH value of tap water is between 6.8-7.8, it can be used to water plants. This includes precious acid loving azaleas, camellias, orchids, etc. Through reasonable fertilizer and water management, green leaves and flowers can be grown every year.

Tea water pouring

People often believe that watering flowers with tea, rice washing water, or even fish washing water can add nutrients to the flowers. Actually, this is unscientific. Tea contains many alkaloids, which can affect the absorption of organic nutrients in the soil by plants and do not provide much help for plant growth on their own. Rice washing water and fish washing water do contain nutrients, but they must be decomposed and fermented before they can be absorbed by plants. Otherwise, it will burn the roots of the plant.

Pest control methods

Home flower cultivation is mainly affected by pests such as aphids, red spider mites, scale insects, as well as ants and white bugs in the soil. Due to the high toxicity of general chemical pesticides, they can easily pollute the environment and cause harm to human health. It is best to use artificial capture as the main method, or to make homemade pollution-free anthers for spraying. For example, adding a small amount of laundry detergent to garlic juice and diluting it 50 times; Alternatively, adding 25 times the amount of water to the tobacco leaves, soaking them for 48 hours, and adding an appropriate amount of laundry detergent to the filtrate, or adding 500 times the amount of wind oil extract to water, can have a significant toxic effect on general pests.

Skill Three



Six Precepts

One Ring of Carelessness

Flowers, like humans, are alive and require careful care. Many flower growers lack the necessary attention to detail and diligence towards these beautiful lives. They are lazy and do not like to delve into flower cultivation knowledge. They are willing to be outsiders for a long time and have poor management skills. Secondly, they are lazy and unwilling to spend too much time and energy on flowers. After the flowers entered the house, they were left alone, enduring hunger and thirst for a long time, and suffering from pests and diseases. In this way, even the best flowers will gradually wither. So lazy people can't grow flowers well.

The Two Precepts of Love, Yin

Contrary to the above situation, some flower growers have developed a fondness for flowers and their hands itch when they don't touch them for a while. Some watering and fertilizing are irregular, and they just water when they think of it, causing the flowers to die from waterlogging and excessive fertilization; Some people move flower pots around randomly, and can move several places in a day, causing flowers to have to adapt to the environment frequently and disrupting their normal growth patterns. It's strange that the flowers won't be tossed to death over time. There are several plants at home that are suitable for you. It's understandable to like them in your heart, but flowers, like humans, have their own growth patterns. If you disturb them frequently when they need to rest, they will naturally feel tired and grow poorly.

The Three Precepts: Pursuing fame and fortune

Some flower enthusiasts believe that it is important to cultivate famous flowers because they have high ornamental value and significant market profits. Under this psychological domination, they spared no expense in buying famous flowers and trees everywhere. The result is often due to a lack of good maintenance conditions and management techniques, which leads to the premature death of flowers shortly after purchase. This not only practices precious flowers, but also wastes money, which is a conceptual misconception. The correct approach should be to start with ordinary and lower end varieties and gradually explore the rules and techniques of flower cultivation. Only by gradually purchasing more expensive varieties after reaching a certain level of technical proficiency can we have a greater chance of success.

The Four Precepts distinguish between good and bad

Some flower growers are greedy and seek perfection, regardless of the variety, and move them home as soon as they see them. This not only brings difficulties to management, but also brings some flowers that are not suitable for cultivation into the home, pollutes the environment, and damages health. For example, flowers with toxic sap can easily cause poisoning when people come into contact with them. The scent of some flowers can have an impact on the human nervous system, causing difficulty breathing and even allergic reactions. Plants with sharp thorns on their appearance also pose a certain threat to human safety, and so on. In short, it is not advisable to be greedy for large and comprehensive plants when raising flowers at home. Good and bad plants should be distinguished, and small, aesthetically pleasing, and harmless species should be selected for cultivation.

The Five Precepts of Qin and Chu

Some flower growers are restless and have no theme for their flowers, and the flowers in their homes are constantly changing like lanterns. This is a great taboo for growing flowers. One reason is that the variety change is too fast and the planting and breeding time is short, which is not conducive to cultivating flowers and trees with beautiful plant shape and high ornamental value. The second is to have a superficial taste of each type of flower, which is not conducive to improving the level of flower cultivation, and in the end, one is still a flower blind. Therefore, only by selecting one or two types of flowers and focusing on their cultivation, can flower growers gain something in their hearts.

The concept of the Six Precepts is not new

In today's flower industry, new knowledge and technologies are constantly emerging, but most flower growers still adhere to traditional maintenance methods and are not good at utilizing new technologies and equipment in the use of flower vessels, water and fertilizer management, and seedling cultivation, such as soilless cultivation, odorless flower fertilizers, and various flower vessels. The result is that family flower cultivation is unhygienic, unsightly, not innovative, and has significant side effects

Fertilization method

1. Five methods of fertilization

① Maifanshi fertilizer: Sprinkle a layer of Maifanshi particles in the flowerpot to promote the growth of flowers and prolong the flowering period.

② Crushed eggshell fertilizer: Crushing eggshells and burying them in flower pots is a great fertilizer that can make potted flowers grow lush and have bright leaves and flowers.

③ Boil a small amount of soybeans: Thread three holes into each pot of flowers, add 3-5 cooked soybeans, 2-3 centimeters deep, without damaging the roots of the flowers, and cover with soil as usual.

2. Collect organic fertilizer for potted flowers

It is not advisable to use chemical fertilizers frequently when growing flowers at home. The main fertilizers required for cultivating flowers, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, can be collected in daily life. Waste peanuts, beans, melon seeds, and miscellaneous grains that are moldy and inedible are all nitrogen-containing fertilizers. After fermentation, they can be used as base fertilizer or soaked into a solution as topdressing, which can promote the vigorous growth of flowers and trees; Fish bones, broken bones, chicken feathers, eggshells, and trimmed nails, hair, etc. are rich in phosphorus. Mixing these waste materials into old cultivation soil, adding water and putting them into plastic bags, can be decomposed into excellent organic fertilizer after a period of time. If these waste materials are soaked into a solution and then fertilized, it can make the flowers of domestic potted plants colorful and the fruits abundant. In addition, fermented rice washing water, water exchanged for raw bean sprouts, plant ash water, rainwater, and wastewater from fish tanks all contain certain amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. As long as used in moderation, they can promote the growth and development of flowers and trees.

3. The fruit peel can neutralize alkaline potting soil

Some flowers from the south are difficult to survive or bloom when potted in the north due to the high alkalinity of the potting soil. There are various ways to neutralize alkaline soil, such as soaking the peeled apple peel and core in cold water. Regularly watering flowers with this water can gradually reduce the alkalinity of the soil and promote the growth of certain plants.

4. Disease prevention in flowers

In early spring, various flowers will enter a vigorous growth season. At this time, 1% Bordeaux mixture can be sprayed 1-3 times on the leaf surface and back to prevent diseases. The preparation method of 1% Bordeaux mixture: 1 gram of copper sulfate, crushed and dissolved in 50 milliliters of heated water; Add 1 gram of quicklime, powder it with a few drops of water, then add 50 milliliters of water and filter off the residue; Pour both solutions into the same container and stir well, resulting in a clear blue Bordeaux mixture.

5. Six methods for eliminating flower pot insects and ants

① If small flying insects appear in the flowerpot, dip three or four cotton swabs in dichlorvos to avoid dripping. Then insert the stem into the soil around the plant to eliminate the flying insects.

② Laundry powder: Dissolve one tablespoon of laundry powder in 4 liters of water and spray flowers and leaves every 2 weeks to completely eliminate white flies and bacteria.

③ Milk: Mix 4 cups of flour and half a cup of milk in 20 liters of water, filter with gauze, and spray on flowers and leaves to kill ticks and their eggs.

④ Beer: Pour beer into a shallow pot placed under the soil in a flower pot, and snails will drown if they crawl in.

⑤ Garlic: Crush a large garlic clove, mix it with a tablespoon of pepper powder in half a liter of water, and after one hour, spray it on the flowers and leaves to prevent rodent invasion.

⑥ If ants appear in a flowerpot, soak the cigarette butts and tobacco in hot water for one or two days. When the water turns dark brown, sprinkle a portion of the water on the stems and leaves, and dilute the rest and pour it into the flowerpot to eliminate the ants.

Soil requirements

Due to the different habits of flowers and trees, their requirements for soil also vary, so soil should be selected reasonably.

Sandy soil: Soft and loose texture, non alkaline, good drainage effect, most suitable for cutting, sowing, and seedling cultivation of flowers and trees, but easy to dry out, not suitable for planting woody flowers.

Street soil: After sufficient fermentation, it can be screened and used because it has a certain fertilizer effect and is suitable for planting perennial flowers and trees. It is more suitable for planting crabapples, figs, pomegranates, etc.

Colloidal granular soil: Due to its large voids, good drainage and ventilation effects, low soil temperature, and less water and fertilizer evaporation, it has a good effect on planting seeds such as Quercus, Smiles, and Jasmine.

Farmland vegetable garden soil: It belongs to semi gelatinous and semi sandy soil, containing a certain amount of humus, with good fertilizer efficiency, and is beneficial for planting evergreen plants such as pine, cypress, and palm.

River mud, grass ash, and hillside humus: This type of soil has loose and fertile soil, rich in humus, and is acidic. It is very beneficial for the cultivation of potted flowers such as gentleman's orchid, vermilion, and rhododendron.

Protective prescription

① Garlic. Chop the garlic and onion into small pieces, add a spoonful of pepper powder to one liter of water, and spray this mixture onto the leaves of flowers. This will keep cats, dogs, and other animals away.

② Tobacco. To deal with aphids, nicotine is a good medicine. Soak two or three cigarette butts in a glass of water, wait for the water to turn yellow brown, and then add a little alkaline solution, such as soapy water, to use. Immersing the affected parts of flowers in medicine or spraying them directly can effectively kill aphids.

③ Vinegar. Rhododendrons and mastflowers prefer acidic soil, and watering with hard water will increase the lime content, causing the plant leaves to gradually turn yellow and wither. If you water a mixture of two spoons of vinegar and one liter of water around the plant every two to three weeks, the yellow leaves will disappear.

④ Whole milk. For many domesticated flowers, ticks are a major enemy as they can cause discoloration and withering of branches and leaves. If four cups of flour and half a cup of whole milk are added to 20 liters of water, stirred evenly, filtered with gauze, and then sprayed onto the branches and leaves of flowers, most lice and their eggs can be killed.

⑤ Beer. Beer is an effective and inexpensive medicine for dealing with snails. Pour beer into a shallow dish next to flowers, and the snails will crawl into the dish and drown.

⑥ Detergent. Mix one teaspoon of detergent with 4 liters of water to deal with white flies. Spray the back of the leaves every 4-5 days until the white flies are completely eliminated.

apply fertilizer

① Timely fertilization: It is applied when the flowers need fertilizer. If the flowers and leaves become lighter or yellow, and the plant grows thin and weak, it is the most suitable time for fertilization. In addition, when flower seedlings develop leaves and branches expand, fertilization should be applied to meet the fertilizer requirements for rapid growth of seedlings. The different growth stages of flowers also have different fertilizer requirements, and the types and amounts of fertilizers applied also vary. Applying nitrogen fertilizer during the seedling stage can promote seedling growth, while applying phosphorus fertilizer during the bud stage can promote large and bright flowers with a long flowering period.

② Moderate Fertilization: Potted flowers should follow the principle of "eating less and having more meals", that is, fertilizing more times and applying less fertilizer each time. Generally, apply thin fertilizer and water every 7-10 days, and apply it 15-20 days after the start of autumn. The flowers and trees gradually grow, and the fertilizer concentration gradually increases, such as the urea application concentration gradually increasing from 0.2% in the early stage to 1%; Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers increased from 1% to 3-4%.

③ Fertilization should be controlled according to the season: Flowers grow quickly and vigorously in spring and summer, so it is advisable to apply more fertilizer in moderation. After autumn, the temperature gradually decreases and the growth of flowers weakens, so fertilization should be reduced. Fertilization should be stopped from late August to early September to prevent the occurrence of a second growth peak, otherwise it may make the flower tissue cells delicate and lead to difficulties in overwintering. Winter flowers that are in a dormant state during winter should stop fertilizing.

④ Fertilization should be controlled by temperature: Potted flowers should not be fertilized around noon or on rainy days in high temperatures, as fertilization can easily damage roots. It is best to fertilize in the evening. In autumn and winter, when the temperature is low and the growth of flowers is slow, fertilization is generally not applied; In summer, when the temperature is high and flowers grow vigorously, more fertilizer should be applied. When the temperature is high, the concentration of topdressing should be low and the amount used should be small. When using thin fertilizer water for topdressing, it should be done several times.

⑤ Mixed application of medicine and fertilizer: If pests and diseases occur during fertilization, an appropriate amount of medicine can be added to the fertilizer solution, which can have a dual effect of fertilization and disease prevention.

Balcony cultivation



To cultivate flowers on a balcony, it is necessary to choose suitable types of flowers based on the characteristics of the balcony, arrange them reasonably, use space wisely, and take care of them carefully in order to ensure that the flowers grow and develop well and fully display their ornamental effects.

(1) Choose flowers that are suitable for growing on the balcony. There are three main types of balconies in residential buildings in China, namely convex balconies, concave balconies, and gallery balconies, but convex balconies are the most common. This article only provides a brief introduction to which flowers are suitable for this type of balcony. A south facing convex balcony with ample sunlight and long exposure time is recommended. It is advisable to choose flowers that enjoy sunlight, such as Milan, jasmine, magnolia, rose, hibiscus, chrysanthemum, sunflower, pomegranate, kumquat, grape, cactus, cactus, and succulent plants that are heat-resistant and drought resistant. North facing balconies are suitable for growing shade loving or shade tolerant ornamental flowers, such as ferns, green vines, vines, evergreen plants, turtle backed bamboo, wenzhu, brown bamboo, jade hairpin, rubber tree, etc. A balcony facing east can generally receive 3-4 hours of sunlight per day for thousands of hours. In the afternoon, it can only receive some scattered light, so it is suitable for growing short day flowers and semi shaded flowers such as crab claw orchid, camellia, rhododendron, and gentleman orchid. A balcony facing west provides shade in the morning and strong sunlight after noon. Therefore, it is recommended to cultivate vines and flowers that are tolerant to semi shade and heat, such as Luo Shi, Climbing Tiger, Lingxiao, and Fangteng, to form a "green barrier". In summer, it can also prevent western sun exposure.

(2) Reasonable layout and full utilization of balcony space. A well-designed balcony green decoration, when viewed from the interior to the exterior, resembles a small frame scenery in nature, and when viewed from the outside to the inside, it looks like a small showcase for flower exhibitions. There is no fixed pattern for the specific layout of balcony greening, which is determined by the location, size, and personal preferences of the balcony. Generally speaking, attention should be paid to neatness and beauty, avoiding disorder and disorder, as well as to order in height, staggered and distinct layers. Adequate space should also be left to avoid creating a sense of congestion. For example, when decorating a sunny balcony with a width of 1m to 1.2m and a length of 3m, 2-3 pots of neutral light loving potted flowers can be placed on the wider cement railing outside the balcony. On the east side of the balcony, a small trapezoidal shape made of wood or metal with 3-5 layers can be set up, and several pots of small and medium-sized potted flowers can be placed from bottom to top according to the flower habits; Set up a small planting trough on the ground on the west side of the balcony, and plant climbing or creeping flowers and trees such as ivy, wood fragrance, fragrant peas, and small reed gourd. In order to fully utilize the space, hooks can be embedded at the balcony platform or eaves to hang hanging pots of flowers. What flowers to plant in the hanging basin depends on the position of the hook. It is advisable to plant light loving flowers in areas with abundant sunlight; It is advisable to plant shade tolerant flowers in shaded areas. It is best to plant flowers with drooping branches and leaves, light green color, swaying in the wind, and elegant and graceful in the hanging basin, which will give people a unique charm when they look at them. When growing flowers on the balcony, it is necessary to pay attention to safety and strictly prevent flower pots from falling and injuring people.

(3) Maintenance management should be meticulous and thoughtful. Due to the relatively dry environment of the balcony, watering is generally slightly more frequent than on the open ground. The frequency of watering varies depending on the climate conditions in different regions, and should be flexibly controlled according to the actual dry and wet conditions of the soil in the pot, following the principle of "seeing dry and seeing wet". As most balcony flowers are difficult to get natural rain and dew, artificial spray is very important. In dry season and hot summer, spray on the branches and leaves several times a day to increase air humidity, which is very beneficial for most flowers. Some flower growers often lay bricks on the balcony floor and sprinkle water, as bricks can absorb a lot of moisture and evaporate when exposed to heat, thereby increasing air humidity. This is a simple and effective measure to increase humidity. To make the balcony flowers grow strong and lush, it is also important to regularly supplement necessary nutrients. According to the type of fertilizer required for different flowers, apply more decomposed organic fertilizer appropriately in the cultivation soil, and then apply compound flower fertilizer several times during the peak growth season. To maintain the graceful shape of the plant, attention should be paid to picking the heart, wiping the buds, pruning, and timely cutting off dead flowers and branches to reduce nutrient consumption. For flowers with strong phototaxis, it is necessary to repot them every few days. In the hot summer weather in northern regions, it is necessary to hang reed curtains or grass curtains around noon to provide shade and prevent exposure to the scorching sun. In addition, it is best to use sterilized cultivation soil for potted plants to reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. If aphids, spider mites, scale insects, leaf spot disease, powdery mildew, yellowing disease, etc. occur.