In the Tokyo Ghoul anime, the main character is Kaneki Ken, a young guy who was the victim of an accident and became a half-ghoul, half-human. His life has changed dramatically, and he is forced to adapt to a new reality, where he has become part of the underground world of ghouls created by the forces of evil.
Initially, Kaneki is a shy and passive guy who finds it difficult to find a common language with others. However, as he delves into the ghoul world and begins to understand his new abilities and strength, Kaneki undergoes a series of tests that shape his character and make him stronger.
One of the key points in the development of Kaneki's character in the anime is his inner conflict between human and Ghoul essence. Kaneki is faced with moral dilemmas and the boundaries of both worlds, which makes him think about his place in this world and the choice of a side.
With each episode of the anime, we see Kaneki becoming stronger and more confident in himself. He learns to use his abilities to protect his friends and family and fight enemies, realizing that only by uniting and acting together can evil be defeated and his loved ones protected.
Thus, the revelation of Kaneki Ken's character in the Tokyo Ghoul anime is an amazing path from a shy guy to a strong and confident hero who fights for his principles and ideals. His story is filled with tragedy, trials and hope, making him one of the most memorable and challenging characters in the anime world.