Writers publishing online face unique challenges. While the internet offers vast opportunities, many struggle to be discovered, read, and paid. Traditional publishing models don’t help — fewer than 40% of writers say publishers are helpful with distribution or marketing, and most feel they’re underpaid. Yet, many writers believe there’s no better alternative.

We believe there’s a better way for digital-native writers to thrive, starting with shifting the mindset of how a writing career can be built. Direct engagement with readers and building sustainable communities is key to long-term success.

This is why we designed t2, a digital publishing platform with collaboration, monetization, and distribution tools which bring a new group of active stakeholders into publishing: readers. Building on the concept of Creator Economy 4.0, where creators and fans work together, these tools recognize the important role readers play for the writers they support.

Our vision is for diverse and resilient content communities to defy established models of creative extraction. This mental model places power back in the hands of storytellers and knowledge sharers in every stage of their careers.

For anyone with something to write about, join us for 1,000 Fans Bootcamp: a two-month programme for writers on the internet. You will learn how to crack the code to this brand new approach to writing and publishing. In a race to your first 1,000 true fans, we offer education, tools, and even prizes.

Here’s everything you need to know.

Key Links
Official Bootcamp Page
Bootcamp Registration Form
Subscribe to Bootcamp Calendar: iCal, Google Calendar

🍑 Eligibility

  • Open to all writers, new and established, who wish to embrace the community model. You can also be a solo writer or a collective.
  • You should focus on a specific niche with long-form writing (i.e. re-telling women’s history, cozy fantasy, dark academia, etc).
  • You should also align with our vision, believing in the power of writers and readers working together.
  • Community Proposal: publish an article outlining your community's goals and ethos to appeal to like-minded people who can join you. Consider this your community manifesto. (Don't know how to write it? Join our upcoming online workshop!)

🍑 Registration Process

  1. The Bootcamp runs from 19 September to 15 December 2024. You can sign up at any stage if you meet the eligibility requirements. But we strongly suggest that you register before 1 October. This will allow you enough time to familiarize yourself with our tools and community. Also, the earlier you start, the more of a kickstart you will get for the Territory Race later.
  2. Start a new Territory (a community publication) on t2.world. If you're already the admin of an existing Territory you plan to enroll in the program, you can skip this step.
  3. Fill out this registration form, so we know you are participating and can keep you posted on all the important stuff.

🍑 Bootcamp Program

Our 2-month program is divided into two parts. Part 1 guides you through the essential stages of building a community: founding, collaborating, and growing. We invite all Territory admins to participate in immersive, hands-on workshops led by industry experts and master creators.

In Part 2, you'll take part in the Territory Race, where you'll put your newfound skills to the test. This is your chance to apply everything you've learned, using the tools and strategies to grow the Territory with your community.

By the end of the Bootcamp, you’ll have gained a fresh perspective on the Creator Economy as a writer, an understanding of the tools that will give you a competitive edge, and, most importantly, a clear and well-supported path toward building your first 1,000 True Fans.

🏗️ Part 1: The Preparation (1 - 31 October)

This chapter focuses on laying the foundation for your community. We’ll delve into why it's essential to participate in the Creator Economy 4.0 as a writer, how to uncover your writing purpose, and how to effectively engage your audience to build and grow your community. You’ll also gain insights into the tools and strategies that will help you create a thriving digital “home” for your followers.

Key workshop topics include but are not limited to:

  • Writing a convincing community proposal
  • Understanding Creator Economy 4.0 & its tools
  • Finding a publication-market fit
  • Nurturing community collaboration
  • Growing your fanbase sustainably

You will also have a say in what you want to learn during the program. Tell us what you’d like to learn using this form!

By the end of this chapter, you will have crafted a publication that showcases your creativity and serves as a proud representation of your community. More importantly, you will be ready for the Territory Race!

💚 Part 2: The Race to 1,000 Fans (1 - 31 November)

During this exciting period, you will work with your community on t2 to grow your Territory. Your objective is to collaborate with readers and writers to build readership and increase your territory's Time Points (t.p.) during the race period.

The program will conclude with a celebration of your journey on 12 December, and there are exciting prizes to be won!

🏆 Territory Race Prize

The top 3 Territories with the most Time Points will receive up to $1,000 in prizes. Prizes are divided among participants based on the amount of t.p. they individually generated within the winning Territory, in proportion to the total t.p. generated by all participants in that Territory over the race period.

  • First Place: $1,500
  • Second Place: $1,000
  • Third Place: $500

The prize will be shared with every member within the Territory, based on each member’s t.p. contribution.

Additionally, admins of the first 10 Territories that gained 5,000 t.p. during the Bootcamp will receive another $200 Growth Award.

Throughout the program, you'll have direct access to our team of editors, marketers, and platform builders, providing you with strategic guidance and growth support to take your community to the next level.

To register for all events and workshops, visit the official event page.

P.S. Events and dates are subject to changes.

🍑 Timeline

🍑 And... a Zine!

All outstanding posts will be compiled into a printed community zine at the program's conclusion. Writers whose work is selected will receive a copy of our first edition community zine.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey to cultivate and nurture your community of 1,000 true fans as a writer? Join us today and let’s get started!

Happy growing!


t2 Team