In the morning, the earth awakens from the darkness.

The birds wake up chirping in the call of the sun

People wake up and go to work under the urging of the sun,

The trees, grass, and flowers are covered with sparkling and round dewdrops

The air is filled with various refreshing fragrances--

The fragrance of flowers, the bitterness of grass, the simplicity of trees,

The scent of soil, the warmth of sunshine, and the tranquility of the countryside

Formed a delightful morning gathering.

In the morning, everything is better.

The sky is bluer and the white clouds are softer

The air is fresher and the trees are greener

The grass grows taller and the flowers are more vibrant

Mud is more saturated, dewdrops are more rounded

People are more spirited, we work harder.

Oh! Morning is the most beautiful time of the day.