The Start of Autumn is the thirteenth solar term among the twenty-four solar terms, marking the beginning of autumn.

On this special day, the earth seems to have quietly changed into a new picture. The angle of the sunlight becomes softer, and the humidity in the air gradually decreases. Although the days may still be hot, the coolness of the night makes people clearly feel the change of the season.

The Start of Autumn is the prelude to harvest. In the fields, the rice begins to fill, the corn cobs become plumper day by day, and the fruits in the orchards hang all over the branches, emitting an inviting aroma. The farmers have worked hard for more than half a year and finally welcome the joy of the upcoming harvest.

At the same time, the Start of Autumn is also the starting point of new life. After vigorous growth throughout the summer, nature begins to prepare for the next cycle of life. Trees start to accumulate energy to lay the foundation for the sprouting and growth in the coming year; animals are also busy storing food to be fully prepared for the upcoming cold winter.

In our lives, the Start of Autumn also has a special meaning. It reminds us that time is constantly passing, and we should cherish every present moment. In this season, we can adjust our life rhythm, appropriately increase exercise, enhance our physical fitness, and welcome the gradually cooler weather.

The Start of Autumn carries the hope of harvest and the longing for new life. Let's look forward with anticipation and welcome the beauty of the future.