The entire process of life, every word and action, and how one interacts with others, cannot beseparated from one's own feelings
The human brain makes iudgments based on feelings, and feelings often directly affect theoutcome of things.One person! The more feelings you have, the richer your emotions become, the more feelings youhave, and the more fulfilling your life becomes.May in the new year, everyone be able to stay away from all the people they don't want to meet andavoid things they don't want to encounter. Let yourself live in a beautiful feeling, which revolvesaround life.
However, life has its ups and downs, and it naturally feels both good and bad.Whether life is good or not is also related to one's own feelings,Meeting someone feels good, this person is covered in treasures. Good mood, good life, everything
is good.
Encountering something, feeling good, this thing is full of goodness, good things bring good moodno matter how you live, you are always happy.
Human feelings are diverse and ever-changing.The same environment, the same people, the same events, some people feel aood. while othersfeel disgusted, a thousand people have a thousand different feelings. But it's generally either goodor bad.
In the world, many things, although thought and judged by the brain. But the first feeling is veryimportant, the quality of the feeling almost determines the outcome of the development of thesituation.
Feeling is the most intuitive reaction, when you feel free, you are truly free. Even the air l breathe isincredibly fragrant, as ifl am free to do anything, relaxed and happy.When you feel unhappy living, that studying is a burden, that love is a luxury, that getting married iscompleting tasks, and that work is filling your stomach. At this moment, you are still alive and feelrestless and unhappy no matter what.
When you feel that life is beautiful, the wind blowing on you is gentle, and the rain hitting you ispoetic Even Ye Hou is filled with more expectations.
When you feel unhappy in your life, then every minute and every second of it doesn't lift your spiritsand you don't feel happy.Everything, as long as it comes with inspiration and feelings, has life and meaning.The more l feel, the richer my life becomes, and the more fulfilling my life becomesAs long as you feel good, in your eyes, this world is good everywhere. Even if it has beenunbearable in the past, it is still beautiful.Feeling is important, as long as it feels good, life is good.Every day of life. Every day has a different feeling.People who have ideas about life feel a lot, and the more they feel, the more energetic andpromising their lives become.
As long as life has feelings, the feeling of life is good.And the more l feel, the more fulfilling and beautiful my life becomes