This post is taking part in the t2 x Bonsai x Stack writing challenge

After the long tour of the castle, a room with a large doorway at the end of one of the castle's shimmering green corridors held a secret. Before Astolfa and the others could reach the door handle, a frightening noise echoed everywhere, they ran desperately and aimlessly, each to a different place.

Professor Harry disappeared for hours and only Eustace and Gerold were still together Eustace and Gerold were still together, the girl's big green eyes found a trap door that seemed appropriate for the two of them to hide in.

_We need to find the rest of the class, look what I found while exploring the garden, it looks like a..._ Astolfa analyzed, felt and smelled the moss-green object.

_A bonsai!_ whispered Gerold.

_I remember studying about...

_In History class..._ Gerold tried to remember the name of the planet.

_Earth_ Spoke Eustace in awe.

_What is something created on earth doing here?_ The girl's question was interrupted by a loud noise above them, desperate cries were proclaimed and then silence.

NAVE 325 - Constellation 28

_Astolfa! Astolfa?!_ Where are you? asked Madeline, the girl's twin sister.

Father Astolfa is gone! I didn't find her at breakfast earlier today, she had a botany lesson with me in greenhouse 97 but she didn't show up._ Mr. Miera looked at his daughter with a calm gaze and replied;

"Calm down, my dear, I've allowed Astolfa to accompany Harry's excursion to the green system." Mr. Miera concluded and went back to reading the ship's daily holographic newspaper.

The music playing in the halls of the great intelligent structure was classical. Spaceship 325 was known by a population of people who admired music and nature, which is why the sounds there were always geared towards nature, a major producer of organic food distributed to the entire A and B quadrants of constellation 28. Under Mr. Miera's command, the crew has never lost a war.

The commander received a communiqué from the Federation informing him of a serious accident involving the ship Astolfa was on.

Madeline's eyes filled with tears and her father became serious and alerted the ship to what had happened.


Felps Miera