I had already died a couple of times...

I had already died a couple of times,

cut up my skin like fabric, shattered my crystal lungs, tied up my intestines

if my flesh had ever resembled a bursting with colours rug, I beat it with bleach

I danced on the ashes of my crushed bones to entertain the spectators

I handed them tools and liberty to hurt me like i was maria abramović

I turned my life into a theatre piece for others

and then cried myself to sleep after reading reviews

I was gifted with an extraordinary capacity of analysis

yet almost no strength.

My anxiety wipes out my personality...

my anxiety wipes out my personality.

it's a thick dirty wall of glass wrapping around me, not leaving a single loophole

it refracts my personality, twisting it into unrecognisable shapes

the sight from outside makes you uneasy, uncomfortable, something in you coils

the motion spectrum goes from scorn and mockery to pity,

with boredom serving as the perfect neutral grey

you hurry up to tear your gaze away to land on someone pleasant, light, and calm

and you can't hear my screams that bounce off the walls creating a cacophony of sounds that ricochet at me

but my anxiety is a familiar prison

it is an overbearing dragon meant to keep me safe

it holds me hostage telling me it is for my own sake

"the outside world is full of danger and you're so small and so so fragile,

it'll shatter you and i will not be able to undo the damage"

anxiety's a poisoned apple, a spindle of a long forgotten spinning wheel

it is a curse that can't be broken by a charming prince

it has to be a true love kiss - but from within.

Our weekends together are on loop in my brain...

Our weekends together are on loop in my brain

I keep replaying how you looped your arm around me

How you said you missed me when I left to use the bathroom

How the crook of your neck felt falling asleep

It helps me sleep, a smile on my lips

I keep replaying our first kiss

How we talked in front of my building

How we ended up intertwining our hands

How you kissed me, holding my cheek -

A fitting epilogue for a whole day spent together - for the very first time

I keep replaying our first night -

The tension as we watched the movie

Temptation so strong, the movie long forgotten

How gently you held me while your tongue explored my mouth

How you touched my breasts - for the first time - my gasp

Your body’s delicious weight on my mine

These nights keep haunting me any time I close my eyes

I keep replaying your gentleness, my tenderness

Your enveloping hugs as if holding something precious

Your head on my shoulder, your posture almost boyish

My tenderness for you keeps expanding in my chest - help

I keep replaying our moments together

They are the only thing I have

Until I can, once more,

Hold you in my arms and be held in yours

Loving him was making me smaller...

loving him was making me smaller

my shoes got too big for my feet

my rings kept falling off my fingers

as if tenderness I felt for him was a brick borrowed from the base of who I am

loving him was making me fade

little joys were blown out one by one

like candle flames by a lack of oxygen

as if to keep the love alight it had to feed off of the fire in me

loving him was making me disappear

the fabric of my soul got thinner and thinner

wearied out by the titanic weight of tenderness

with time I too became translucent

until one day loving him started making me angry

my will to live turned out to be stronger than my will to love

I ran with all my forces as he was wailing behind me

his arrows drawing thick blood from my spine

loving him left torn wounds on my back, my chest and my soul

loving him made my flesh frail but my bones strong

I wish I were a fresh summer breeze...

I wish I were a fresh summer breeze

The one that gently caresses you through an open window as you take a daytime nap

The one that brushes lost hair strands away from your face, bringing the freshness to your warm cheeks

Instead, I’m a gust of wind, inconvenient and unnecessary,

The one that ruins your fresh blowout

The one that’s unstable and sudden, making you curse and hurry back home

I wish i could say that my complexity makes me the one to say « Your girl is lovely Hubble » -

Instead, it makes me as interesting as a wild animal you love to observe but you would never approach

I’d make a better story than a person -

A distant tormented romantic figure

But alas, I am breathing and warm

I long to be held but my skin has been pierced through by my inner thorns

I’m loved not for me but despite of me...

I’m loved not for me but despite of me

Please leave on my tombstone « too much »

My persistent complexity, my contradictions

My incessant theatrics, my drama

Are a performance art signed « don’t touch »

I try to dose myself so as not to choke the others

But even I can’t stand the smell sometimes

I’d like to leave and be reborn as someone better

Someone who can be easily loved

My therapist says...

My therapist says

My sadness is my soul’s default state

That’s why I keep rolling back to it

Even when there’s no reason to

My therapist says

We’ll reprogram my nervous system together

Undo all the bad, relearn all the good

It will be alright, it will be as it should

My therapist says

Small progress is still progress

Incremental changes, again and again

It will be ok, just follow the plan

My therapist says…

But I am exhausted

I feel like constantly rowing against the stream

I feel like a bird flying against the wind

With every step, I lose three

like tourgenev’s bird, is it time for me too to fall in the sea?

My therapist says

Have faith, have hope

But I’ve recently rethought of a rope

I feel tired when I shouldn’t be

I feel hopeless when I’m supposed to be full of it

I feel scared when I should have been fearless

My therapist says

It will pass

But will it?

And will I make it

Clinging to a bony tree in the middle of a storm?