When I left home, I was filled with a feeling of "feelings and thoughts". I once slept in the embrace of my hometown, and the crowing of chickens in the morning woke me up from my deep sleep. The tiled houses were low and low, and the woods were scattered outside the house. The leaves that had not yet turned yellow sent someone's bitter murmurs, and fell to the ground with a dry sound, which seemed to be green and astringent. It was strange that every tree was still green, but the cold wind easily blew down the leaves that had not yet turned yellow but had exhausted all the moisture. Whose house has planted another osmanthus tree? The fragrance came with melancholy, but it was just a full and peaceful smell in my arms. Noon is comfortable, eating two or three side dishes and tasting simple white rice - not wine, that is too romantic and poetic! Take a nap in the afternoon and wait for the sun to wake you up. That is a life that even gods should envy.