"The Old Man and the Sea" tells the story of an old Cuban fisherman Santiago who, after not catching any fish for 84 consecutive days, finally caught a big marlin by himself with his never-give-up spirit. However, the fish was so big that it dragged his small sailboat on the sea for three days before he was exhausted. He killed the fish and tied it to the side of the boat, but was repeatedly attacked by sharks on the way back. In the end, only the head, tail and spine of the fish were left when he returned to the port. From this, we realize that setbacks are a normal state in life and we cannot avoid them. In the face of setbacks, we can only fight against them and stick to the end until we defeat them. You must know that no one can defeat you except yourself. Failure is temporary, a necessary stage for success and the key to success accumulation. Admitting failure is the beginning of degeneration, and being willing to fail is an abyss from which there is no escape. Facing failure is a wise man; never admitting defeat is the performance of a brave man.