"This publication is participating in the t2 x Bonsai x Stack writing challenge."

Everyone has their own version of what matters most in life. Money, family, freedom, none of them are wrong, but they cannot exist if we run out of planet earth. I believe that for someone who was born in the middle of nowhere, being an islander, surrounded by animals and people who love green spaces, these movements destined to feel nature and reconnect with it, such as touching the grass, bathing in the rivers, playing in the sand, is not a luxury or an opportunity, since it has always been part of his genetic structure.

Sometimes we sin of ignorant to think that there may be a near future full of spaceships, interdimentional portals, the human being being free, in short, thousands of advances, be it technological or medicinal. I have faith in humanity and I know that it is a matter of time to reach a certain historical point. But the road is stoned and I know that we will rise even higher as a race or we will sink completely into the abyss, remember the phrase said by Nietzsche when he said "If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you", and history keeps many examples that humanity still likes to play with the abyss and the evil that rests in it. We sin of ignorance because for there to be a future there must be a base and the base of all resources is our planet Earth and this needs to recover because it is exhausted and tired, as the planet is a living element that encompasses living beings, as are the animal and plant species.

Humanity demands change but has stopped trying. They protect themselves with excuses like, I have no budget, it is impossible for me to have a global impact, who is going to listen to the message I have to give. The government does not care, the big companies only think about making money, humans have abandoned their history and ancestral knowledge, they have stopped walking barefoot on the earth. Little by little he himself was cutting all connection with his environment. We live lives tied to money rather than enjoying what we all have at this moment that we are reading, life as an expression of nature.

I am fortunate because the path expresses that the solutions are in the palm of our hands, that we can continue to learn from nature, we still need to know its oceans, save the forests, sunbathe, create more nature reserves, practice breathing, love for our neighbors, stop differentiating ourselves according to creed, stop being different according to creed, stop being different from others, stop differentiating ourselves according to creed, color or ethnic origin, let the language that our lips express be green, and thus disconnect from the rat race we lead and above all have the opportunity to deliver a green world full of resources to our children, not one destroyed by dust and toxins.

If you have reached this point, you think that we can also change the future. Think green, let's think together.