Kiwi is a decentralized HackerNews, focused on crypto tech, products, and culture.

Why HackerNews?

The original HackerNews, built by Paul Graham in 2007, has been an online Schelling point for web2 devs & founders. The whole generation of Internet builders went there to find hot tech news, inspiring essays, and fresh products.

It also has a thriving community, which means that sharing your blog post or product there can help you find new users, get high-quality feedback, and find answers to complex, technical questions. Unfortunately, the HackerNews community is very anti-crypto so it's not a good place for sharing your web3 products and essays.

That's why we built Kiwi. It's a decentralized HackerNews alternative for web3 builders and their products and ideas.

It has around 1,500 monthly readers, primarily crypto natives as well as a big community of founders, developers, creators, and investors.

This makes Kiwi a good place to promote your products, in a similar way people do it on HackerNews.

How to present your product on Kiwi

First of all, it’s important to understand the Kiwi culture.

The best way to do it is to read the submissions and commenting guidelines and check what kind of links are the most popular.

Once you understand what Kiwi is about, there are 3 main ways to present your product.

1) Sharing a link to the product.

Example: ENS Data

When it works: When your product is straightforward, and users don’t need any extra explanation to understand why they should use it.

ENS Data shared by its founder on Kiwi

2) Sharing a blogpost about your product.

Example: Vocdoni

When it works: When your product is more complex and users need to understand the tech under the hood, its unique set of features, or the non-obvious problem it’s solving.

Vocdoni shared by its founder on Kiwi

3) Sharing a story about your building journey.

Example: Pincaster

When it works: If the story of your project is just interesting or it helps to better understand the product.

Pincaster shared by its founder on Kiwi

What are the steps to promote your product on Kiwi

1) Get a Kiwi Pass

You can buy it here.

2) Activate your account

After buying a Kiwi Pass, the app should guide you step by step. If you received a Kiwi Pass from a friend, DM @macbudkowski on Telegram for instructions.

3) Submit your post

While submitting, use your primary wallet - the one with your ENS/Lens handle.

4) Respond to comments

Sometimes product shares can spark a discussion. It’s good if you as a founder respond to the community questions - both inside the app as well as the ones that might arise on the Kiwi Telegram chat.


And this is it. If you had any questions, DM @macbudkowski on Telegram!