This week, we worked with Archana Women's Centre. During the busy week, we visited Archana’s various enterprises: soap-making unit, spice-making unit, fishing unit, rope-making unit, to name a few. We worked on business consulting for the organisation and its enterprises that we visited during the week. Focusing on social media and marketing strategies, we created a detailed list of recommendations, business flyers and social media content samples.
Having completed consulting work for Save the Loom and SEWA, we were more experienced and felt more confident in social media marketing strategy making. However, the unique social role of Archana required a deep understanding of the organisation, which made strategy-making more complicated than expected. Furthermore, time restrictions posed a great challenge to the consulting work. As visiting each unit took significantly more time than anticipated, we had limited time to work on strategy making. Dividing tasks among six of us and realistically estimating what could be done in a short period of time, we considered the most effective way to produce the maximum output. Despite the unexpected circumstances, however, we managed to present detailed suggestions on our last day with Archana. The presentation could have been more elaborate, yet we were happy that women in Archana were satisfied with our output.
Staying flexible with timetable change is what I often struggle with in my daily life. However, not everything goes as planned, especially in an unfamiliar setting. I believe I gained some degree of flexibility and adaptability throughout the week.