An old carpenter was ready to retire. He told his boss that he was leaving the construction industry and going home to enjoy the happiness of family with his wife and children.

The boss hated to lose his good worker and asked him if he could help build one more house. The old carpenter said yes. But later everyone could see that his heart was no longer in the work. He used soft materials and did rough work. When the house was completed, the boss handed him the key to the front door.

"This is your house," he said, "my gift to you."

He was shocked and ashamed beyond words. If he had known that he was building a house for himself, how could he have done it like this? Now he had to live in a poorly built house! How are we any different? We carelessly "build our own lives, not taking active actions but coping passively. We are unwilling to strive for excellence in everything and cannot do our best at critical moments.

By the time we realize our situation, we are already deeply trapped in the "house" we have built ourselves. Think of yourself as that carpenter. Think of your house. Every day you hammer in a nail, add a board, or put up a wall. Build it well with your wisdom!

Your life is the only creation of your life and cannot be smoothed and rebuilt. Even if there is only one day to live, that day should also be lived gracefully and nobly. The nameplate on the wall reads: "Life is created by oneself!"