Brantosaurus is one of the largest dinosaurs that have ever lived on our planet. His remains have been found in various parts of the world, from the USA to Mongolia. Brantosaurus was a powerful and large-scale creature, its length reached 25 meters, and its weight could be up to 70 tons.

It is believed that Brantosaurus was a herbivore and lived at the end of the Jurassic period, about 150 million years ago. He was one of the main predators of his time, had a huge size and was one of the top predators of his time.

The remains of Brantosaurus help scientists understand how these giant creatures lived and developed. Studying their skeletons allows you to recreate the life of dinosaurs and understand their role in the ecosystem. Each discovery of Brantosaurus remains brings new discoveries and expands our knowledge about the history of our planet.