25th of May 2019

On a warm evening, in a soft dim light gallery, a young woman approached a middle-aged man who was gazing at a painting called ‘A Little Swan’. The woman touched his shoulder gently and stood next to him. “Mr. Davis! Congratulations on the success of your exhibitions!” said the woman.

“Ah, Ms. Pier!” the man chuckled, “Please, call me Jamie. I don’t like such formality. It always reminds me of my age. And thank you so much for organizing this exhibition,” said Jamie humbly as he turned to face her and placed his right hand on his chest.

Jamie was the new star in the town, an up-and-coming painter. Unlike other painters who started their careers in their 20s or younger, Jamie began his career just one year ago and suddenly gained popularity overnight. People were always curious about his background and the secrets behind his success. However, they also believed that Jamie’s charm was responsible for his popularity. Despite being 46 years old, he was still considered handsome, especially to young women.

However, Jamie was not just a handsome painter, he was also incredibly talented. People considered his talent as unique. Many people admired his preciseness and detailed style. His signature was black and white oil paintings combined with vibrant red colour accents.

“Then, please, call me Daniella. It will be awkward if you call me ‘Ms. Pier’ while I call you by your name,” said Daniella.

“Of course!” Suddenly, Jamie reached for Daniella’s hand and pulled it closer to him. “Daniella, have you seen my favorite painting?”

Daniella blushed. She loses her voice for a second. Before she could open her mouth, Jamie smoothly turned her body and placed his arm on her back, leading her to a different section of the exhibition.

1st of October 2023

Jamie walks into the lobby of his gallery. He is wearing a black shirt and white pants. He confidently approaches the woman who is sitting there. “Ms. Adams” greets Jaime as he offers his hands for a handshake.

Ms. Adams immediately rises from the sofa and reaches for Jamie’s hand. “Mr. Davis! Thank you so much for agreeing to meet me in your gallery”.

“So, you were looking for ‘The Dance of The Swan’?” asked Jamie bluntly.

She is taken aback by bluntness. Somehow his bluntness makes him look more interesting to her. She has heard much about Jamie Davis, the famous up-and-coming painter, known for his talent and charm, which earned him a reputation as a womanizer. Despite such a reputation, many women still throw themselves voluntarily to be one of his ‘muse’.

“Indeed,” replied Ms. Adams curtly.

“Well, allow me to take you there."

As they walk toward the painting, Ms. Adams starts the conversation. “You are an amazing painter, Mr. Davis. Your work is extraordinary, especially the ‘The Dancer’ series. I’m surprised to find two of the original artworks here in your gallery. May I know what inspires you?”

Jamie sighs before he answers, “Ms. Adams, as I already told you, I’m not interested in sharing my story with reporters. I will show you my artwork, but I will not answer your question."

Ms. Adams chuckles as she hears his answer. “I already told you, I’m not a reporter. I’m an artist myself, a sculptor, but I appreciate painting. I heard your paintings are a valuable investment.”

Jamie frowns, admitting his ignorance about the investment aspect yet intrigued by the idea.

“I know nothing about investment and I never heard people invest in a painting. However, Ms. Adams, these two paintings are quite popular. If you are truly interested, I can sell you a copy and send it to your address,” Jamie says, presenting the two paintings in front of them.

Ms. Adams turns her gaze to ‘The Dance of The Swan’ and notices another painting next to it, called ‘A Little Swan’. Two similar paintings give a shiver to whoever is staring at it.

“They are amazing!” she says in awe.

“Please take your time.”

“Mr. Davis” she calls.

Jamie turns to face her without answering. Meanwhile, Ms. Adams keeps her eyes fixed on the paintings. “If you can’t tell me how you got inspired, perhaps I could be your next muse,” she suggests without breaking the gaze on the artwork.

Jamie smiles and moves close to her. “Perhaps there is a misconception in your head, Ms. Adams. I won’t share the original with the muse either.”

Ms. Adams turns her head and stares at Jamie intensely. “why don’t we try? Maybe I won’t ask for the original anymore. And please call me Lily.”

“If you insist,” Jamie says, taking out his card from his chest pocket without breaking eye contact and slipping it into Lily’s bag. “Meet me in my studio this evening”.

“Sure! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to prepare for tonight” Lily smiles at him before turning and leaving the gallery.

Central Street number 12. This should be the right place. Lily thought to herself as she rang the doorbell and Jamie came out a couple of seconds later.

“Lily!” greets Jamie. “Please, come inside,”

“I didn’t know that you live in your studio,” Lily says her mind out loud.

Jamie raises his brow. “Is that surprising?”

“I’m the type of person who doesn’t like mixing work and life,” said Lily, shrugging her shoulders. “Also, art can be messy. I don’t want to put extra work home.”

Instead of replying, Jamie smiles and points out to his sofa, “Please have a seat and make yourself at home.”

Lily walks around towards the sofa, looking around the living room until Jamie approaches her from behind with two glasses of wine. “Would you like a glass of red wine?” Jamie offers the wine to Lily.

“Thanks,” says Lily, accepting the wine and making a toast with him.

Jamie sips his wine while staring into Lily’s eyes intensely. He slowly moves closer to her until she fully turns her body towards him. He places his hand on her shoulder, closer to her neck. Lily flinched, but she didn’t take any steps back.

He opens his thumb reaches her chin and leans his head. Their lips are getting closer. Suddenly, Lily’s hand reaches his chest, her eyes staring into his lips. Her body grows hotter and she can control her mind.

“You know, Lily, how does the painter work?” Says Jamie, break the silence. He lifts her head a little, making their lips touch each other. “Sometimes, we need to find the connection between the model and the artist.”

As soon as he finishes his sentence, Lily kisses him passionately. Surprised by what she did, she wants to pull her body away, but it’s too late. Jamie moves his right hand to her hips and pushes her body to the wall. He acts quickly before she realizes that none of them have a glass of wine anymore.

Jamie slips his left leg in between Lily’s tight. Moves his right hand up to her belly and grabs her jeans, then pulls her closer. His left hand which is now free, grabs Lily’s and lifts it to his hips.

Their breaths grow hotter. Lily’s getting drawn into his kiss and touch as Jamie puts his tongue into her mouth. She places her hand on his shoulder.

“Mmh” Lily’s moan.

Her body moves on its own. One of her hands moves down to her chest and grabs his shirt. She opens her legs slightly and pushes her chest to get closer to his body.

Jamie moves his lips down to her neck, kisses her up to the back of her ear, and goes down again to her collarbone. Meanwhile, his right hand unbuttons her jeans and pulls down the zipper.

He teases her by taking her hand, pulling it away from his chest, and sliding it down to her inner thigh, feeling the wetness of her pants. Lily’s face turns red. It gives her excitement. Jamie notices her reaction. He takes her finger and guides her to play around. Then he grabs her pants and pulls them up and down slowly.

“Mmh, uh,” Lily’s moan louder.

Jamie looks up, watching her reaction as she enjoys herself before he kisses her again and takes her to his room.

Lily wakes up and finds her hands are tight up over her head. She tried to move them but failed. The pain grows little by little on her arm. The more she tries to move her arms, the more painful it becomes. Suddenly, a surge of panic and fear filled her. She lifts her head, trying to find a clue of what’s going on.

On the other side of the room, Jamie is sitting in front of the canvas, mixing the oil paint with the red liquid. He got distracted by the noise from the bed.

“Jamie?” Lily called Jamie and looked at him, confused.

“Lily,” Jamie answers calmly while still mixing the paint.

“What is going on? Why am I in bed and can’t move my arms?” Lily rambles in panic. But Jamie didn’t answer her question, instead he asked her to be calm.

“Why don’t you relax a little? You might squish all the blood out of your arm. And none of us want that. At least for now. “

“What?” Lily got more panicked. “What blood?”

Jamie stops mixing the paint. He puts down his bucket and looks directly at her. “Do you remember what I said about the painters needing some connections with the model? Well, it was great sex, but I need something deeper. And I’m really thankful for your support,” Jamie raises his bucket to Lily.

Lily was dazed. She can’t believe what she just heard.

“YOU F**KING PSYCHO!” Lily screams and kicking her legs into the air frantically. Sudden realisation comes to her mind. She stops screaming and kicking her legs.

Jamie shakes his head and covers his face with his palm. He puts down the bucket and walks to the bed. Before he takes a seat on the bedside, he opens the drawer of the bed table and takes out a syringe.

“This is why I normally take no volunteers anymore. Because they are painfully annoying. Just like you.” Jamie takes her arm and points the syringe in it.

Lily tries to shake her arm to avoid the syringe, but Jamie holds it really strong.

Right after the needle is inserted into her arm, the doorbell rings constantly.

*Ding dong* *Ding dong*

“What now?” Jamie got up from the bed and let out a big sigh, leaving the room.

Jamie swung the door open with a scowl on his face, startling the pizza guy who was waiting outside.

“Pizza for…” the guy started, glancing at the label on the pizza box. “Jamie Davis?” he looked at Jamie, his expression filled with concern.

“Right! Just a moment,” Jamie replied curtly, shutting the door abruptly. Not long after that, Jamie reopened it and took the pizza from the guy. “Did you take the card? I don’t have cash right now”.

“Sure, I can take the card,” the pizza guy replied and took out the card reader from his pocket. “There you go, sir!” The pizza guy handed the card reader to Jamie.

“That’s a small card reader,” Jamie remarked, tapping his card on the machine.

“Yeah, this is our new machine and actually, it’s better than the old one. It is faster and lighter,” the pizza guy explained.

“Oh, hey! Sorry about before” Jamie looked at the pizza guy, who seemed confused. He points out his face. “I wasn’t in a good mood”

“No prob, man. I get it!” The pizza guy pocketed the card reader. “Enjoy the pizza!” He tipped his hat and made his way out.

Jamie closed the door and carried the pizza back to his room.

As soon as Jamie leaves the room, Lily pushes her body until her fingertips reach the floor. Then she puts her legs together and kicks both legs in the air, trying to flip herself.

After several attempts, she finally reaches the floor. Now she can see the ropes that are tied on her wrists to each side of bed legs. She quickly grabs one of the bed legs and tries to untie the rope one by one.

*Clomp! Clomp!*

A sound of footsteps approaching the room from the outside. Lily quickly turns her head to the door. She tries to move her hand faster to open the rope.

Jamie screams from the outside of the room, “I hope you are hungry because I ordered a pizza.”

*Clomp! Clomp!*

Jamie’s footsteps getting closer to the room.

Lily unties both ropes. Her eyes scan the room quickly and she finds a knife on top of the table next to his canvas. She runs to the tip of her toes, trying to not make any sounds. As soon as she grabs the knife, she hides behind the door.


Jamie opens the door. “I hope you like this pizza because I ordered it when you were…” he didn’t finish his sentence. He stands in front of the door in silence. His eyes stared at the bed intensely.

“I must admit, you are the smartest so far,” said Jamie calmly. He touches the doorknob slowly, crouching down, and puts the pizza away behind him. Lily tries to hold her breath. She holds the knife, pointing it down, and grips the handle really tight to her chest.

Jamie takes a glance at the door. He catches the shadow of the rope behind it. His hands move quickly. One hand pulls the door towards him and the other reaches the rope and pulls it quickly, which makes Lily’s body fall forward.

They both were surprised by each other’s movements. Jamie didn’t think that she was already holding the knife and Lily was surprised by the sudden movement from Jamie. She reacts quickly by aiming the knife at his neck. However, Jamie acts quicker by kicking her in the stomach.

Lily loses her grip and her balance. The knife falls from her hand to the floor. He quickly turns her body to the side and moves on top of her, then her wrist to the floor. They both turn their head to the knife.

Lily aimed his balls and threw him a hard kick with her knees while he was trying to reach the knife with the other hand. Jamie falls forward with a throbbing sensation in his lower body. She pushed him hard away and reached for the knife quickly. Without wasting more time, she aims the knife at his chest and stabs him with all the strength that is left on her.

The knife landed deep in Jamie’s chest, right next to his heart.

“You…missed…” *Cough* said Jamie, while coughing blood. He glances into Lily’s arms and smiles.

“It won’t matter after I pull it off from your chest,” she pulls the knife off from the chest. The blood flowed out quickly.

*Cough* Jamie coughs more blood. His arms try to reach the syringe in her arms, but he loses his strength and everything turns dark.

Lily watches Jamie take his last breath before she falls to the floor.

2 years later.

Soft ambient music fills the gallery. A dark-haired woman stands in the middle of the room, fascinated by a surreal sculpture of the human face sliced diagonally, leaving only the half shape of the nose down to the lips and chin.

Behind her, a blond woman holding two coffees approaches and calls out “Lily!”

Lily turns and gives her a smile. “Hi May!”.

“I knew you’d be here,” May says, handing Lily a coffee. “Why do you like staring into your art? It gives me a creep,”

Lily accepts the coffee and laughs at May’s comment. “This reminds me of someone who inspires me and gives me fame,”

“Whatever, let’s get out of here,” May rolling her eyes.

“Thank you for the coffee, anyway,” Lily raises her cup to May.

They turn around and walk towards the exit together.
