We all know Pump dot fun has been killing it these last few months, having earned north of $14.5mil in the month of June alone. Dexscreener wanted a piece of the action and launched their own version of it, called Moonshot.

Now, I don't typically buy memecoins, I usually invest in things with substance. I also didn't really get into friend.tech or FantasyTop. The former was a hollow experience, and the latter was honestly too complicated. But considering these new platforms are popular and raking in protocol fees, I decided to try them out.

Here's what Moonshot looks like.

a sea of memes

I bought something from the Top category, called SHERIF - for two reasons 1) its bonding curve was almost complete and 2) it had active X & Telegram accounts. After swapping my SOL, I checked out their latest posts and subscribed to the telegram. Considering it was a new launch (<12 hrs) there was not much content, no one to banter with, and 0 excitement.

I didn't feel a thing.

Let's see what the experience would feel like on Pump...

the dev had a livestream going on, and he lit a cig

There's way more social content on this platform - and if you're familiar with the Reddit interface, you'll feel at home. They also just added livestreams, so you have some entertainment while you choose whether or not to buy the memecoin. Honestly not a bad experience.

Obviously the main focus of both platforms while you're buying, is the chart. Does the chart look good? Yes. Is the meme funny? Meh kind of. The comments are pretty funny, who tf are these people. Ok this thing is trending, and the cat has glasses... I'll buy.

what i bought

The main difference between both apps was the level of entertainment.

Social data, comments, a livestream, and generally more character in a memecoin is what made the experience more satisfying for me. Overall - I was looking for less of a "trader" experience and more of a social one.

What if we had an app that leveraged the Lens social graph to enable the same kind of financial features?

Social data, comments, and livestreams would all be interoperable with the rest of the Lens ecosystem - creating a much richer experience.

You could tune into a livestream from Hey, buy into the meme from a transaction frame, and visit a webpage to get the full bird's eye view - including social & trading data.

The team that brought you $bonsai has been cooking. More details later this week.