1. Kindness.

The "Book of Rites" says: "Virtue is what you obtain." Kindness may not make you extremely wealthy, but it will ensure you are free from worries about food and clothing. As the saying goes, "The greater the tolerance, the greater the fortune." Peace is a blessing, and kindness brings peace.

Like attracts like, and those who are kind will inevitably attract other kind people. Those with bad intentions cannot survive in a circle of kindness.

2. A Pleasant Appearance.

Appearance comes from the heart, and as we age, our looks change accordingly. Our parents give us our initial face, but we shape our own face through our actions and character. Conduct can be disguised, but temperament cannot be masked.

A pleasant face is like the gentle gaze of a Buddha, bringing peace to those who see it and enduring beauty, repelling misfortune.

3. Avoiding Comparisons.

Desire leads to suffering; without desire, one is strong. Comparison is the source of almost 99% of a person's misery. Alone in a forest, you don't need a Rolls-Royce; but when you walk down a busy street, you start comparing, and the pain of unfulfilled desires strikes your heart.

Only by avoiding comparisons can one achieve happiness in life. Cherish what you have and be grateful for what you don't. May we all cultivate a life free from comparisons and become contented individuals.

Simply refrain from gossip, don't spread rumors, and avoid comparisons. This is a pure heart, the unity of humans and Buddhas, making you a living Buddha.