This is the amazing story of Jesus’ birth.The story begins 2,000 years ago in the small town of Nazareth in ancient Israel.Every year at Christmas, Christians celebrate this event. They tell this story. Children and adults perform the story in plays. They tell it again and again to remember why they celebrate the holiday of Christmas.

But, Christians know that the Christmas story is only the beginning of a larger story. When Jesus grew up, he was a great teacher. He lived a perfect life. And he did many miracles. Jesus was not just any man. Jesus was God’s son. He was born on earth to save people from their sins – all the wrong things they do. This is the miracle Christians celebrate at Christmas. Jesus, God’s son, came down to earth as a weak and helpless baby. But, just as the angels said, he would sacrifice himself for all people, around the world. That is the true meaning of the Christmas story.