
The night in Jiangcheng in September is still a bit hot and humid, with waves of heat coming in and being enveloped by the humid and hot air. This feeling is not very good. Anxia, born in summer, hates summer the most. She hates the hot and dry weather in summer, which makes people easily restless.

But today, despite the annoying heat wave, she still chose to roll down the car window. It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and there were not many cars on the road. She even reached out to feel the free feeling of the gentle breeze passing by.

Following the gentle breeze, there floated her heart. At this moment, she wanted to scream loudly, not for anything else, just to express her excited and happy mood. She has been in this city for twelve years, and after twelve years of studying here, she began to fantasize about one day settling down and taking root in this city, with a mission of her own

Although this day was a few years later than she had originally anticipated, it finally came true, and this feeling cannot be expressed in words. Looking back on the past scenes, all the hard work and efforts have been rewarded today.

Today is a special day for her, the most memorable and memorable day in her thirty year life. This morning, she went to the company to complete the resignation procedures and quit her seven year job. At the moment she walked out of the company building, she felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation. Without hesitation, she threw the cardboard box in her hand into the trash can, as if all kinds of baggage and pressure were being thrown away along with her.

After leaving the company, she contacted the moving company that had been arranged for a long time and officially moved from a rental house to her own house. After a busy day, she didn't feel tired at all. After packing up, she drove to a restaurant by the river that she had previously booked for dinner. After finishing, it was already dark.

As the car passed by an intersection, a child suddenly rushed out from the flower bed on the side. She was unprepared and her heart jumped to the throat in fear. As she was about to collide, she turned the steering wheel hard and the car hit the railing on the side. When the car stopped, she was completely stunned.

Everything happened too quickly, and all she could think of was the piercing sound of the car rubbing against the ground just now. She felt like her hands and feet were weak and she didn't dare to move.

After a brief blank in the brain, I hurriedly got off the car to check the situation.

There was a little girl sitting on the ground not far away, frightened and crying loudly. She looked around but didn't see her parents. She went over with weak hands and feet to check on the little girl's situation, but after asking for a while, she cried uncontrollably and had no way to communicate.

I didn't dare to move the little girl casually, I didn't know if she was injured anywhere, so I could only nervously stand by and visually inspect her to see if there were any injuries on her body. A passerby has already called the police when they saw a car accident, and both the police and traffic police arrived quickly,

After the traffic police finished handling the scene, Anxia and the little girl followed the police to the hospital together., The police wanted to inform the parents of the little girl all the way, but after asking for a while, there was no useful information.

Anxia felt very guilty in her heart because she had scared the child like this. She exerted all her patience and all the ways she could think of to coax the child, and finally managed to make her stop crying.

But no matter what they asked, she refused to speak and huddled in Anxia's arms, with tears hanging from her long eyelashes. Anxia was adorable by her cute appearance, thinking that the child was also too good-looking. Her snow-white skin, big black eyes, long eyelashes, looked a bit like a mixed race, and her soft hair happened to be slightly yellowish.

I went to the hospital for a check-up, and everything turned out to be normal. The car didn't touch her at all, except for scrapes on her knees and hands. There were no injuries in other areas, but I couldn't find the child's parents. As one of the parties to the accident, Anxia couldn't just leave like this, so she had to follow the police to the police station.

It was not until late at night that there was finally news from the parents of the little girl at the police station. The police said that it was the parents of the little girl who discovered that the child was missing, and they reported it to the police. The police in the jurisdiction have contacted them and confirmed their information and identities with each other. The parents of the child are on their way.

The little girl in the police station has been clinging to An Xia and refuses to leave, as if she has an inexplicable dependence and trust in An Xia. But no matter what Anxia said to her, her response was only to shake her head and nod, never saying a word. Anxia even had some doubts about whether she was mute or not, and couldn't speak at all. Well,

Just as she was about to fall asleep, a man hurriedly walked into the police station. As soon as you enter, look around for the child's figure,

Discovering the child being held by her, she walked straight towards them.


Upon hearing his voice, the little girl reached out to him for a hug. The person who came is Qin Yue, and the little girl is his daughter, nicknamed Dudu. The aunt at home said that Dudu was missing, so he quickly called the police.

"Excuse me, are you the parent of this child?" Anxia also stood up, watching the man anxiously check if the child was injured. It must be the parent of the child.

"I am his father, thank you for helping me find Dudu." Qin Yue didn't know what had happened yet, thinking it was An Xia who helped find Dudu

"Sorry, I almost bumped into her today." Anxia explained the incident to him, apologizing incessantly, and emphasizing that they had already been accompanied by the police to the hospital for examination, and even showed him the results.

Qin Yue, who knew what had happened, did not blame her, only grateful that Dudu was not injured. Today, it was due to the negligence of the nanny at home that Dudu ran out of the house alone at night and almost got into a car accident.

After answering the question, they came out of the police station. It was already early morning, and Anxia's car was towed to be repaired. She took out her phone and called for a car, but no one answered


"Where do you live? I'll drive you off, thank you for accompanying Dudu just now." Qin Yue's car pulled over to the side of the road and saw her waiting for the car. He rolled down the car window in front of her and offered to see her off.

"Thank you, no need. I have already called the car and someone should be taking the order soon." Although Anxia wanted to go home quickly, she still refused as she was not used to receiving help from strangers.

Qin Yue didn't say anything and started the car to prepare to leave, but Du Du, who was sitting in the back row, suddenly spoke up. She lay at the window and shouted to An Xia, "Mom," An Xia didn't react for a moment and thought she had hallucinations. She thought Du Du couldn't speak, but didn't expect her to. Qin Yue was also stunned. He turned his head in surprise and looked at Du Du Du, "Du Du, what did you just say?"

Dudu didn't look at him, but instead looked at Anxia and spoke clearly, "Mom, get in the car."“